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Empty Online Lobbies


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It is probably just me but is anyone else having difficulty getting into lobbies with other players. I can play jobs with other people but I 'time out' every time I try to join a lobby with other players. 


PS4: austinfamous

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Happened to me early on when I just got the game, but haven't had any issues in the past few weeks.

Same here.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I was getting this when the game was released, it sorted itself out eventually. You could try setting your DNS servers to and That helped when I was having issues.

There's instructions online for changing the DNS settings on your PS4, from what I remember it's in settings, network. You need to change from auto to manual to put the Google DNS servers in and you will need to know the IP address range your router uses so you can assign one to your PS4.

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