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My plan: Garage #1; the one I spawn at, is where I keep all the cars I actually like.
Garage #2; connected with my high-end apartment, is where I store cars strictly for racing.  I don't necessarily like all the 'best-in-class' cars so they go there.

Garage #3; muscle cars. Because there are so many that are SO cool.  Like the new Slamvan.

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I don't bother going for 'best in class' for racing, I still won't win against the majority of the crew (most randoms can be beaten with a 'lesser' car anyway)

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My apartment garage contains all my 'racing' stuff, my favourites from each class.

Second garage is trucks, vans....a hearse.

Third garage is my favourite........muscle.

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I don't have a theme right now but I'm planning on having one soon.

I'll probably get a Crew colored one and then maybe a SUV/trucks and a misc one.


All my garage are attached to high end apartments (Downtown, the beach, Rockford Hills). :)

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My cars just stay wherever they are delivered from the day I bought them.  If I need one, I just call for it.  If I start organizing, I'll forget what car is in which garage and I'll just get upset when I can't find what I want.  :lol:

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Fancy Del Perro appartment & 10car garage: compacts (3), sports (5) and supers (2)

Murietta Heights 10 car garage: the rest of racing cars (more obscure classes, like Van/Truck, SUV, Off-road, muscle, coupe, sedan, sports classic, motorcycle, 2 free slots now.

Harmony 6 car garage in the desert is the new spawn location now and contains everything that isnt a racing car, atm just Hexer, Slamvan and Warrener. Ready to be filled with other interesting vehicles.

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Garage 1:

Racecars in dark blue with race blue pearl / race yellow secondary.

Garage 2:

Two more Racecars, five motorcycles. All black Dubsta and Khamelion (spelling?).

Garage 3:

Musclecars and the slamvan. Mostly black, white and red.

Edited by lann3fors
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I have the alta st apt and keep all the cars a drive regularly there, then I have the 2 other garages near the airport. I decided to keep them all close to each other so it's easy to swap cars if I want to and easy to get to the mod shop.

I don't have any theme for cars, just pain't them how I want each car to look which are all quiet similar anyway haha. Pretty excited to fill up the third garage. I might buy second racing cars for a few tracks as there aren't too many other cars that I want at the moment but I'm sure that will change soon :)


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I got a 10 car near the LS airport for all my primary racing cars, 10 car with apartment in the middle of the city for "old timey" trucks/cars and motorcycles, and 6 car (with 4 in storage) near Sandy Shores airfield for the cars I actually like that are good for nothing other than to make me happy.

My problem, there isn't 30 cars I like.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I have a house in Paleto Bay for my third. For some reason all my white cars are there. Not sure why, but they are my most driven cars. I always liked the houses but didn't like being limited to only 16 vehicles. I have an apartment near the big construction site in the main city and a 10 car garage close to the international airport.

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The storage by the airport, closest to LSC is my Racing/Performance Garage. Integrity Way & Eclipse Apts are where I keep my favorite cars and truck.



Just a car enthusiast; Because racecar





:D"Stay true to yourself. Few will accept you. Everyone else can kick rocks!" :D





: NORMAL : 'A GIFT and a CURSE' : FIRE :


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Mine's a big drunken mess at the mo.


Paleto: Off roaders


Tinsel: (Home):shit i like (daily drivers)


Shambles: Race cars.


Probably gonna move my Off road Garage to Route 68 soon. Like i said, big drunken shambles :)

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Garage 1:

Racecars in dark blue with race blue pearl / race yellow secondary.

Garage 2:

Two more Racecars, five motorcycles. All black Dubsta and Khamelion (spelling?).

Garage 3:

Musclecars and the slamvan. Mostly black, white and red.


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Main garage/appartment and spawnpoint is Richard's Majestic 51. That's where I got all the vehicles I like: all my muscle cars, some show cars like the Slamvan or Tornado and two cruise bikes. One slot is still open because I can't find that bloody Phoenix. This garage is all about form over function and sheer enjoyment.


Race garage is Unit 76 Greenwich Parkway (near LSC at the airport). 9 cars and the Bati and this one is all about function over form. Only thing missing atm is the Huntley S, but that was due to budgetary reasons. Currently I'm sporting a blush silver/black racing color combo, but thinking about changing to red/black after getting that gorgeous new Jester in those colors.


Third garage is 1337 Exceptionalists Way (sic), also near the airport. This is where the off-roaders and left overs are parked. Still have around 5 spaces left. Maybe a Sandking and some old school rally type of car... dunno yet.


Used to have the Paleto Bay house and it was very peaceful in FR, but moved back to the city for practical reasons.


As soon as the garages are sorted, I'll post some pics.




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