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Windows tints


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I used to have black tint windows on all of my cars, since moving to ps4 all my cars have normal windows. Did i missed something? I want my money back

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Probably has something to to with the fact that window tints change the view when you are playing in first person, just changed them all back to default. Don't think you're getting your money back though



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Also I've heard that in the PS4 you don't have the full blackout tint that existed in the PS3.  I never had old gen version so I have no direct experience with this, only youtube chat about it.

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As Mangfish said, it could indeed be because Pure Black tint is not available on PS4. Maybe it got reset to standard because of that.  Can't say I noticed a difference when transferring, then again I can't recall ever using the darkest tint on PS3. 


I'm more and more stepping away from tinted windows on PS4 anyway 'cause you can't see sh*t in FPV.


EDIT: tx for correcting Seymor

Edited by ronin1904
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