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How fast does your PS3 load GTA V from XMB/ PS3 main menu?


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How fast does your PS3 load GTA V from XMB/ PS3 main menu to GTAO? And what methods do you personally use to reduce lag?

I got my load time decreased from approximetly 5:40 - 3:15 after removing most of the players from my PS3 friends list, clearing the 4 internet browser cache by pressing triangle and selecting Tools; removing predictive text from the settings option, backingup and delleting the unnecessary game saves; doing the fan test where you unplug the PS3 and hold downand eject botton on the system and plug it back in and rebuilding database. I also pinged and tested my MTU internet setting and now I am getting zero loss of data packets its one of the nest fixes.

Edited by smurf
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Mine seems to vary from day to day. I haven't timed it.though.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Straight to online takes much longer it seems, never actually timed it though. I usually go into the friends list from the story mode menu and click to join whoever is running the playlist for that night.

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I nearly always join straight into online. The time it takes to load varies a lot. Between 3 minutes and . . . 25 minutes or until I give up and restart the game. This gave me trouble a few times to join PLs. I didn't know that clearing cache and things like that could improve the speed of loading times, will give it a try. :)

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I always go into story mode first, then invite only and then take it from there.  Takes about 3-5 minutes, but have not timed it. There might be faster ways, but with the horror stories from the early days in mind of people losing their characters, money and what not, I'm not taking any chances.

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So long that I switch the console on at least 10 minutes before any game and then go get a drink :) I'd say 3-5 minutes though. Oh for the days of instant-on cartridges :lol:


I've heard that the downloaded version starts up faster than the disk version of the game, not sure if this is true though. I have some old smaller SSDs kicking around and have been tempted in the past to try one in the PS3 to see if it made any difference. I doubt it as I suspect the drive controller and the network are the weakest link.

Edited by skip_rat
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Never timed it properly, but going to GTAV first and then GTAO does seems faster than straight to GTAO. I'd roughly estimate it as 3 or 4 minutes to GTAV, another minute or so to GTAO. I'll try to remember to time it later.


Timed yesterday, 3 mins to GTAV 2 more to GTAO.

Edited by djw180
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Well I just timed mine once, 2:38 for xmb to story which is kind of long compared to smurf and matt. Took 0:32 to start an invite only. 



 I usually go into the friends list from the story mode menu and click to join whoever is running the playlist for that night.


I tried this for davidcores playlist yesterday and it seemingly froze my game. I don't if thats normal, they were already in a DM so maybe I was suppose to wait or something. 

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I always go to invite only and then join the host in the friends or crew menu, it stops all that "Couldn't load character 1" stuff and loading time is reduced.


Loading speeds also depend whether you're using a disc or a digital copy, I have both on separate consoles and it's noticeably quicker with the digital copy.


In comparison to the PS4 that I started to play today - I could be already playing a game before the PS3 has even thought about finishing the loading to story mode.


PS4 takes less than a minute from power off to playing, which is further proof that the PS3 cannot and never will handle GTAV.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Unless there are server errors, I'd say less than two minutes.  Not sure exactly, but I turn on the game, go to story mode, and then go straight to invite only.


I haven't tried any of the methods you mentioned--the most I do is clear out my messages every month or so.  My copy of the game is the disc version, and the system itself is less than a year old.  It was the one that was packaged with GTA V.  The system I had before that though never loaded anything properly, and eventually wouldn't load anything at all.

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I think it takes 2-4 minutes. But i usually switch to television while gta is loading. The only thing I do is delete all cookie data and cache. But I do that for no reason, I didnt know that could reduce lag!

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I never really thought of it like that 'Davidcore89,' that because the PS3 probably can't alltogether handle GTA V that contributes to lag and issues like BF4 players where the game completely freezes every once and a blue moon, and that's why I don't let my PS3 just lye flat on any surface which also cause it to generate more heat between the surface area and the bottom of the Console.LN-MLB I also have the disc version as well hoping to switch soon though. I saw a big difference when I deleted a chunk of my friends list and rebuilt database and deleting all GTA V saved data, save 1. Gameplay has become noticeably less laggy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It depends on which mode i choose on the loading screen: online or story.


Story mode has ALWAYS loaded fastest, one time it loaded up in 30 seconds - my average is around 2 minutes but always feels like hours cuz i wanna play so bad lol.


If i choose online, i can be expecting to sit there for at least a 5 minute minimum for some damn reason.

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