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part of the character transfer process info


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though there is no mention if cars clothes apartments will transfer over if you decide to. i wish R* would be more transparent rather than only giving out half of the info. if you bought a cash card and you go from the 360 to the ps4 the money will not transfer. for the money to transfer you need to stay in the same console family ie ps3<ps4 or 360<XB1

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According to IGN you can reset your stats and change your appearance when you transfer too.


This will be nice since my character isn't all that cute and she looks mad all the time.  :lol:

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I will only change my characters looks if the character creator has changed.


Yeah, boob jobs for sure.  But having a "Sims" like customization would be nice if I can't have a boob job.

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All I want is my boobage.  My SR4 chick has my boobage and my GTAO lady needs them too.  :lol:


Also Dani, is the boob editing for Sims 4?  My laptop cannot handle that game, so won't be able to play it.  Must stick with Sims 3.  Need a gaming computer... help me, I'm poor!  :lol:

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R* might be staying hushed on everything else transferring over because they may not have it 100% worked out where in guarantees that part will work. I hope given previous R* issues they are just being careful and will have it right when it does release.

The whole character customization is a sad joke. I know they have it set up where picking grandparents heavily changes facial features and skin tone, but it barely changes body build. They should completely ditch that design and make it slider bars for each feature like Saints Row 4. It's a heck of a lot easier to make the character look like you than in GTA. My SR4 character has a big Jay Leno chin though and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away, even on the smallest setting. :lol:

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This is from the IGN article: -


 the upgraded version of Grand Theft Auto Onlinefor Xbox One and PS4 also brings with it the chance to add way more detail to your avatar, even if you’re importing one from the Xbox 360 or PS3 (of note: stats can also be tweaked when importing, effectively allowing for a re-spec). The character creator in GTAO now rivals that of peak Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf, allowing you to customize no less than your eyes, nose, nose profile, nose tip, cheeks, cheek shape, lips, and more. Each has its own spectrum in which to tweak each individual setting. 

Not too clued up about the Tiger Woods games myself but it sounds better than what it is now.  


No mention about boobs, sorry ladies!


The guy also said 30-player jobs were absolute chaos so fun times!

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I think the big thing we can take away from this that no one else seems to be commenting on is that you can carry on PS3 after transfer as well, which is surprising and good news for the crew as well.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I think the big thing we can take away from this that no one else seems to be commenting on is that you can carry on PS3 after transfer as well, which is surprising and good news for the crew as well.


That was brought up here



how many are going to the ps4 platform?


There's various discussion threads about this but we don't have any numbers yet. A lot of people are waiting until Dec/Jan to get a PS4.

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I think the big thing we can take away from this that no one else seems to be commenting on is that you can carry on PS3 after transfer as well, which is surprising and good news for the crew as well.

For sure, this is the biggest plus by far. I know we'll have nights where we have both systems on at some point and it will be great to have some flexibility switch systems when we want. I know the progress won't move back and forth afterwords, but it'll be nice to not lose previous progress.

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how many are going to the ps4 platform?

Well, so far on the calendar I see 4 people that RSVP'd for the car meet.

Hopefully I'll be rockin some big ole' Dolly Parton Boobs then. I wish everybody could move over to PS4.

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Yeah, I'm one of the ones waiting til Boxing to make the big switch.  But since we don't lose our PS3 settings, I will probably go back & forth depending on what the crew is doing.




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That was brought up here




There's various discussion threads about this but we don't have any numbers yet. A lot of people are waiting until Dec/Jan to get a PS4.


I hate you guys :lol:

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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