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first person mode officialy confirmed


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We were discussing this in the shout box earlier today.  FPS is not something I enjoy, but glad people who do like will be able to use it.  The interior of the cars is what has me interested to see the most though.  Again, I'm terrible at driving in those modes, but will play around with it to see what Rockstar has done to each interior.

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yeah indeed , i also think i wont gonna use it that much since players who play at 3rd person have a advantage since they can see alot more compared to first person, but we will see how it plays , only 13 days left :D :D :D

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I really like the FPV addition, especially for vehicles.  Just can't wait to drive a bike this way with the new helmet view. For SP, cosplay, RPG, freeroam and other purposes I think it is really nice as it adds some extra immersion.  Whether it wll be useful in the more competitive GTAO game modes remains to be seen. TBH, I doubt it ....

Edited by ronin1904




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This to me seems like a huge selling point. I hope it is in all modes. It's my preferred style of gaming. GTA is good enough though that I gladly play it without these views, but for me and racing games, it's the only way I can properly drive.

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yeah indeed , i also think i wont gonna use it that much since players who play at 3rd person have a advantage since they can see alot more compared to first person, but we will see how it plays , only 13 days left :D :D :D


I doubt they will be in the same lobby, I assume it will work like auto aim and free aim with seperate lobbies.


I've just watched the video and I will definitely be doing story mode in first person, it looks insane.

Edited by Danielle
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This looks really cool. I don't have much experience playing 1st person shooters, but am looking forward to exploring the GTA world in this mode. I guess I may be buying a PS4 sooner than later.

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I've never been into FPS and I'll never be into FPS. It's a "feel" sort of thing I've never grown accustom to, you know, when something no matter what you try just doesn't "feel" right. It's a cool addition for sure and will layer into the amount of dynamic game play offered, but it's not for everyone and it's not for me.


I much prefer 3rd person because of the wider scope and sense of things it gives me as well as the 360 degree view.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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What-the-fuck did i just see!? I can't believe this is actually happening!!! That's going to be crazy!

But... Is this coming for ps3? Probably not lol...

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What-the-fuck did i just see!? I can't believe this is actually happening!!! That's going to be crazy!

But... Is this coming for ps3? Probably not lol...

im almost sure nothing new will be coming to to the last gen consoles

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Nope last gen will get nothing after 1.17. We are not important anymore. They have ps4/xbone/pc to worry about with all that new money.

Edited by ssracingn2
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1st person looks SWEET!

I have never liked this view, always get my ass kicked, just flat out hate it. However, the view seems to have changed the entire game of GTA, in a positive direction. If you could "lock" a job in this view...I'm in ;)

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What-the-fuck did i just see!? I can't believe this is actually happening!!! That's going to be crazy!

But... Is this coming for ps3? Probably not lol...

No chance :lol:

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I am a 3rd person player, I hate FPV, I can't do shit with it. GOod deal for those into that though (maybe, if the game works like R* claims)

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Wow that looks amazing! I do generally prefer third person, but like people have been saying it will add a whole new dimension.

I can't wait to try it in single player, gives you another reason to play it again and enjoy it in a new way.


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I'm all set to bust some skulls as soon as this game is in my hands.


My only objective is to bank a lot of cash between now and then.


I hope online will be available on day one.


I suck at FPV games but they do offer a better gaming experience.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Its like Far Cry meets GTA :D


My dream  : PRETTINESS :


I definitely prefer FPV but I'm not sure what it will be like on GTA, will take a bit of getting used to. 

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