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Sorry for being unactive


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Guys I haven't been online much for two reasons

1) i've been very busy breaking into the EDM scene and building up my network.

2) My girlfriend and I officially broke up today and now I can't even look at my damn PS3 because she gave it to me last year. Even the character I play as, the account name I use, and half the cars in my garage were created by her.

This really sucks I'm so depressed. I need a drink.










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Thats too bad Ships. We all have things come up, just gotta take care of yourself and whatever is happening in the moment. Here's a Pisswasser on me :lol: 

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That hurts big time. My sympathies to you, it sucks, I've been there. Los Santos and the crew are here for you to blow off your feelings in violence and camaraderie.

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Oh man, sorry to hear that :/ 


Perhaps playing games is the last thing you have in your mind right now but don't forget what a simple PL with the crew can bring. We surely can provide a few hours of laughter ^^

Hope things get sorted out for you soon.

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Sorry to hear that Broh.

We're at least here if you need a laugh though.

Take care buddy, as the other says it's always light at the end of the tunnel.

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Shit, sorry to hear that man. Hope the old heart strings get better soon. Always fun causing shit in LS with you bro. Your DB fam is here for you.

You Want Peace, Prepare For War

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Wow guys thanks for all the support. Even though I didn't want to end it, I couldn't trust the girl anymore. She kind of broke our relationship with her actions. I don't want to get into it, it's pretty painful.

It really sucks to let go of someone you really care about. And it sucks more when she was intertwined with just about everything in my life including GTA and this damn PS3.

But you know what? I got rid of her for good reasons, and even though it sucks. I'll be alright. I'll see you all in LS, I'm not going to let this stop me from having fun :)

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Look forward to seeing you around again. Always a good time. I know you mentioned one of the fights one night when we were waiting for a playlist to start. It's rough man and we definitely feel for you. Sometimes a little venting and playing at the same time could be good for the process. Think of it like going to the bar to blow off steam, only it's not some random stranger.

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good luck with you relationship ships. i notice you rarely play the last few weeks. good luck with your EDM career too (layer the kicks pump up those cones! :D )

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I'm sure you'll put the "i_like_ships" back into relation_ships in the future. Too many other cool things to miss out on so focus on them instead and game with us whenever you're up to it or want a break.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I'm sure you'll put the "i_like_ships" back into relation_ships in the future. Too many other cool things to miss out on so focus on them instead and game with us whenever you're up to it or want a break.

Well played indeed! Lol you guys rock. This crew truly is like a family, it's crazy!

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Well played indeed! Lol you guys rock. This crew truly is like a family, it's crazy!

This crew is closer to my family than my actual family.

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