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Are the cars getting faster?


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I've been trying to set a decent lap time for each class of car for each track I own. It was supposed to be done in a week or 2 but is taking much longer (I can't drive.... too many mistakes) anyway, I've noticed lots of interesting things about different cars on different tracks against others in the same class and different classes. One thing I've noticed that stands out is the times I've taken off my best times on 2 tracks that I thought were pretty unbeatable (the previous times that is). For eg Cunning Stunts was 7:32:??? (off the top of my head). This time has been long set and I thought ...very hard to beat. It was set in an Entity. Then I drive an Elegy on the track for the 1st time ever and beat it by 6 seconds? WT? I thought. Then the Entity goes and beats it's old best time by 14 seconds. Now to the Nurburgring. The track has been altered, but only in a way that takes more time not less. The old record set in a Zentorno of 8:27:924 just got beat by 10 seconds by the Massacro. I've yet to run supers on it but I'm sure they will beat that time.


What gives? Are the cars suddenly faster, as I know my driving hasn't improved at all, let alone by those significant time changes....


PS I'm kind of addicted to doing this and finishing it now... and it's pretty boring and repetitive so I haven't been inviting people.

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On a track like Cunning Stunts, it wouldn't surprise me if you could cut off a massive margin for what you think is "the best" time. There's far too many variables to say you "can't push it anymore", because on a track like that you can. Especially also considering how long of a course it is.


I'd be willing to bet things have improved, they had to of because game data wise nothing has changed since the spoiler release.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I still don't know how to trigger those. Seems like you sort of have to go out of your way so it should be obvious to those that do it/avoid doing it.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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No pavement boosts on those tracks. My old time on CS was set during a H2H and was a perfect run (almost anyway) no way was there 14 more seconds to find. Plus Sports category smashing times set by supers?

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I can only assume that the spoiler update has made the cars perform better in some areas, I don't think the game itself allows the cars to go any faster.


I know the car speeds were nerfed slightly because the draw rate was being compromised when travelling at top speed but that was quite some months ago.

Edited by DavidCore89
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I can only assume that the spoiler update has made the cars perform better in some areas, I don't think the game itself allows the cars to go any faster.



Probably this.


Just look at this weeks challenge for example, DC beat his own time by 10 seconds on a under 3min track, times on a longer track like Cunning Stunts of Nurburgring can probably be improved even more.

I can't even imagine how much has Fido improved his Scouring the Projects record, he's probably gone under 2:30. :blink:

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Beat my old best time at my Nurburgring by 17 seconds.... The Entity spoiler is the same as it's always been? I dunno... oh well, we are all going faster anyway :)

Yeah but spoilers now increase traction on the stats.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Even my Gauntlet smashed an old 'unbeatable' on Oils Aint Oils time and it hasn't got a spoiler? Oh well, it doesn't really matter, everyone will be faster.... for a while I thought my driving was improving lmao!

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Even my Gauntlet smashed an old 'unbeatable' on Oils Aint Oils time and it hasn't got a spoiler? Oh well, it doesn't really matter, everyone will be faster.... for a while I thought my driving was improving lmao!

Only those who don't hit everything will be faster, now if I could teleport thru objects then it would be race on

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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