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Xyon has a new car!


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Are Supers to fast for this??? Just in case someone may have bought themselves a new super car and is looking for a cool new race for, oh maybe a playlist?

A new supercar eh? You never mentioned that.....


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Here I was under the impression you had no sound :mellow: .... So how much of my declaration of love in my garage to my car did you hear? :huh: ... I really thought I was alone when you didn't answer :unsure: .

Today I had sound, so heard all 74 instances of you saying how much you loved your car. (Now you've hijacked onrefne's job topic and turned it into an 'I love my new entity' topic......shameless)
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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Today I had sound, so heard all 74 instances of you saying how much you loved your car. (Now you've hijacked onrefne's job topic and turned it into an 'I love my new entity' topic......shameless)



I still love my new car and I have full intentions of using Onrefne's gta race in my playlist.... just not the 2 together ;)

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Did you get a new car Xyon?

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Why yes I did :)


Its a shiny Lava Red Entity, fully kitted out, it goes VROOOOM, (so I don't have to make the noises my self), its fast and a dream to drive and I have called it George :)


I have an all new respect for Matus and his love for Emma... I just know that when the police come calling, I can actually get away ;)

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Does Lava Red Entity have a name?

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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George, that is the best you can come up with?

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I bought a new bottle of Pisswasher last night, I will post some picks of it later, named it Bob

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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