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Destiny Thoughts?


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I also like to at least read IGN. More so I take a look at the meta critic scores, which, this game is all over the map currently and seems to be shaping up to be "eh, okay".

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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After reading that links review i'm thinking of getting skyrim lol instead or maybe both but the major issue I see when reading reviews about Destiny is repetition in game and a not so great story line, awe sigh.

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Honestly, I've been looking at this for a while now (completely off topic)




I have Skyrim for PS3. My old 60 GB model basically died but I decided to keep it in hopes whenever I get around to it I can get the data from it and continue on that game (turns on, works, no video). Basically the whole game, all DLCs included.


Destiny has been a much hyped about game but early reviews seem to be a very very mixed bag, more so than usual. Fantasy + Sci-Fi really isn't my genre at all.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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It probably just needs to be reflowed with a heat gun. I am also not a fan of the genre also, save Halo back in the day, guess I am nostalgically trying to relive that fond Halo era through Destiny, the hand gun was the best, but that's if I even get Destiny at all but it seems bearable to lean towards buying it.

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