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Beer Quiz


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Ironic Retro Canned Beer

You are an urban hipster, but do you drink a hip, urban, trendy beer? No, you drink cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon or Schlitz because it's ironic. And it's cheap!

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I'm a 40 ounce... 


Malt Liquor
Paper bag, stoop, blunt. 'Nuf said.
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"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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Big brand light beer.

Fair enough, I do drink a literal shitload of Budweiser but I do enjoy some of this so called "craft beer" when I can afford it.

In all honesty I'll drink whatever gets me drunk. At the end if the day that's the only point of alcohol.


Edited by shortround669
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Local Microbrew

You are an intellectual, hip, glasses-wearing type. You shop at Whole Foods and drive a Prius. Mmmm...tasty.


Definitely doesn't sound like me. :lol: I drink anything as long as there's % in it. And whatever that Whole Foods is, I'm sure it's not a place I want to buy my groceries.

Edited by Banketelli
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Local Micro Brew, Couldn't agree more :D

Except the fu..ing Prius though :P




What is Whole Foods??

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I got Big brand light beer. That's funny because I'm a craft brew drinker and even made a 5 gallon batch of copper ale this week. I guess it proves I'm not a beer snob, I love em all!

What's up with the birthdate thing starting at 1914?

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