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Tips For Deathmatches?


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i know there is a "stealth mode" but i have recently watched someone on the other team in a TDM running behind a wall and their blip doesn't show, how can you run and be in stealth, is there even a reason then for actually entering stealth mode? when exactly am i "stealthed" then if u can stealth outside stealth mode?


i absolutely hate this stealth concept as it ruins most DM for me, i'm left just standing there bc theres no enemies on the map to go after, and when i do choose to go out to find them, i run out and get blasted by someone stealthed. i realise IRL ur not going to know that person is hiding, i just don't like it :P. and no i'm not calling Lester 100 times per game x.x

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"Stealth mode" or crouching in this game is utterly useless. Sure you may make SLIGHTLY less noise when you move, but the severely crippled pace at which you move is completely defeating of any gains you have while in that mode.


Same applies with the stat. it's mostly useless but does much of the same thing.


Suppressors are better at "stealth" than the mode and stat combined IMO. I much preferred GTA 4's "crouch" that helped reduce sniper rifle sway and added some increased accuracy. I also MISS their recoil system where obviously the longer you held down the trigger the less accurate your shots were which really emphasized head shots and burst fire.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I thought when your stealth is maxed out it helps keep you off the map?  When I run I can sometimes see my noise aura flashing, same when I use RPGs or guns w/o suppressors.  A lot of the time I can't see anyone either unless they are being "noisy"

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i just don't fully understand then when exactly i'm "stealthed". in TDM i know my blip is blue and goes grey when i shoot or get spotted, so am i not on the radar when my blip is blue? and i assume jogging keeps u stealthed but actual running can unstealth u? and climbing over things can show u too

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It doesn't help at all R* revised the whole detection system with this stupid "line of sight" dogshit. Your middle finger can be not hidden 100 meters away and the game will know it and reveal you to anyone looking at way.


So I swear Stealth is useless.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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lol it might just be me but I don't think running, walking or jogging really make any difference and the only "noise" that matters is from firearms. I could be wrong and perhaps the stealth stat helps with that, I can't be certain because that stat on my character has been maxed since last year and I've no idea if any subtle changes occurred.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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The one thing I'll disagree with is running. I know sprinting makes more noise and costs me a bunch. I prefer to sprint to spots and pop up on peoples maps because of the noise and am an easier target.


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i know there is a "stealth mode" but i have recently watched someone on the other team in a TDM running behind a wall and their blip doesn't show, how can you run and be in stealth, is there even a reason then for actually entering stealth mode? when exactly am i "stealthed" then if u can stealth outside stealth mode?




This is probable a person wit loosing streak and has used the hide blip function.


I'm like Alchemist I like running / sprinting to the different covers, this has actually function better for me, every time I try to lurk around I get a bullet in my back head :lol:

The stealth mode is really something I haven't used to much energy on, and I should probable pay more attention to it in the future.

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There's a hide blip function?? Been playing this for ever and still learn stuff! :-)


Hehe yeah it is Casey but you need to get a loosing streak, you need to get killed a certain number of times without killing someone to get the possibility to use it.

You get 3 choices, something like this i think:

  1. Show other teams blip's
  2. Quad damage
  3. Hide blip
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Hehe yeah it is Casey but you need to get a loosing streak, you need to get killed a certain number of times without killing someone to get the possibility to use it.

You get 3 choices, something like this i think:

  1. Show other teams blip's
  2. Quad damage
  3. Hide blip



I have never noticed this!

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It's in the menu where you can choose to push X several times to spawn faster.

Didn't know this either!!

I always have too much blood in my eyes to read the screen! :-D

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Didn't know this either!!

I always have too much blood in my eyes to read the screen! :-D

Lol you need to play some TDM's with me when I'm back Casey :)

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Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting, Those shots were fast as lightning, In fact, it was a little bit frightening, But they fought with expert timing...


sorry but this topic screamed a song..


but yeah stealth, i actually like the stealth. but this is the point of taste and how you like to play the game, i mean i like games like splinter cell and hitman,

i like to stealth and snipe and sneak around

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every TDM i'v played, ppls blips constantly keep disappearing, i always thought everyone was just obsessed with stealth mode but now i see the game has the "line of sight" feature so now i can stop going into stealth mode so much lol.


its ok Casey i just learned about turning boats with the X button the other day, i was getting so mad that my boats would barely turn in races XD

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its ok Casey i just learned about turning boats with the X button the other day, i was getting so mad that my boats would barely turn in races XD


Hahaha Yet again I've learnt something new, I didn't know this either!  God I'm stupid!  :lol:

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I was gonna post this as for me it's a huge mistake people make in PvP situations, stealth is useless but I always see people using it to no avail.


Noises are the biggest giveaway - climbing, jumping, running, running through grass, shooting without a suppressor, everything makes noises, if you want to be a ninja (like G) in a DM you gotta keep unnecessary noises at a minimum.


You'll see the circle around your blip go bigger when you sprint or run instead of jog, or when you climb on a chain fence for example, this means you are visible to all.


I have also noticed that different footwear reduces noise when you're running at full speed, shoes and boots make more noise than trainers.


As G said, line of sight is also a big factor but that will only make you visible to a few players at a time, it's not something which can be helped too much except from avoiding running in the open as often, noises are a bigger issue and will make you visible to all.


I suggest when your're moving around in the next DM, check out your blip and see what is causing the most noise (except for your guns), for me it was running too often and at the wrong times, I've picked up a hell of a lot just from watching better players when we're on the same teams.


Another thing which some do not know - if you are in close proximity to your enemy (both taking cover around the same container) - you can hear each other on the mic, this is a dead giveaway that an enemy is very close by, if you were not close then you wouldn't hear each other until a kill is made by either player.

Edited by DavidCore89
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If you can't see anyone to go after - let them come to you, move with your team or stalk the outskirts for kills.


Chances are that when nobody is visible on the map it's because everyone is being quiet, taking cover or they are not within kill distance, but it never stays that way for long.


Running out into the open will usually end one way.


Look at what's around you from your own view before you look at your mini-map, when enemies become highlighted through noise or line of sight they will flash on the mini-map and that will get your attention, sometimes you can spot enemies and line them up well before the map will help you out.

Edited by DavidCore89
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