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This thing called "Flying"


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Some of you have witnessed this first hand. I really suck at flying. Half the time cant even get off the ground. Unless I have a straight away to take off.  Turning kicks my ass.


So any tips would be appreciated. This was my a picture of my last attempt.



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"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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As a flight school dropout, and after getting absolutely annihilated in every air race that I've participated in, I too would like some of these tips.

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oooh shit. I havnt had to privilege to dodge missiles yet. Great! 

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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I can fly ok for general aviation this stunt flying is for the birds or "ace pilots" which is not me. If you see me do something cool I swear it was a complete accident.

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not very good at this flying game.. but it's all about sharing right? :)


my biggest problem is turning in mid air, especially when close to the ground. as i notice that just pushing the analog to the L or R tends to move the plane closer to the ground. so now, when i turn left i press + hold R1. turn right, use L1. so i turn to one side (analog L/R), the plane makes "a turn" to the opposite side (L1/R1) thus preventing a crash. i tried to stay sideways for quite some time using the L1/R1 button, and it worked.


to avoid missiles, i pray.


hope it helps. if not.. don't shoot me out of the sky. :P

Edited by juve
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That picture is epic NY  :lol:.


I wasn't much better either but practice at flight school allowed me to get all golds and I have noticed improvement in my air racing and also in air combat situations due to the many new air based jobs.

I wouldnt mind some tips either. Especially for avoiding missiles, that always ends up bad, either I get blown up or I crash into the ground.

When avoiding missiles, I have learned to quickly turn 180 degrees using the rudder as well as the stick, as soon as I hear the beeps followed by another 180 degree turn as soon as the missiles have missed me.


The missiles will miss me 90% of the time and because I did the second 180 degree turn - I am now directly behind my enemy with target locked and missiles fired.

Edited by DavidCore89
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rule 1 - fly in first person view (or the gta v version of it)

I disagree Bear, however I will say it depends on the situation as well. I almost never fly in 1st person. It's easy to lose orientation in GTAV 1st person and if flying close to the ground you can't see the wing tips and will likely hit something with them.



not very good at this flying game.. but it's all about sharing right? :)


my biggest problem is turning in mid air, especially when close to the ground. as i notice that just pushing the analog to the L or R tends to move the plane closer to the ground. so now, when i turn left i press + hold R1. turn right, use L1. so i turn to one side (analog L/R), the plane makes "a turn" to the opposite side (L1/R1) thus preventing a crash. i tried to stay sideways for quite some time using the L1/R1 button, and it worked.


to avoid missiles, i pray.


hope it helps. if not.. don't shoot me out of the sky. :P

^^This, I spectate a few and when the plane gets into a knife edge it just noses over into the dirt. R1/L1 is the rudder control, use it to keep the nose up. Also it helps to know a planes limits. Some have a higher rate of nose drop. Don't be rolling anything upside down except Lazer, Besra and Mallard when in a low altitude situation, they don't like that.

Like the land races say with cars - Practice Practice Practice. A tip for practice I learned with RC planes, fly 3 mistakes high. For this game that would mean going into free roam, get a plane and get lots of altitude and practice rolling and turning, that way if you fuck up you got plenty of room to recover.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I've always been pretty good with planes.


You got your acceleration and brake with with R2/L2, your turn/veering with L1/R1, and your R3 and L3 for loft and yaw. I think the key is to not be erratic with movements, always try to be subtle and try to use R1 and L1 for turns unless drastic measures are needed....or even use those buttons with some assistance from the joystick for harder turns.


The practice, practice, practice really is the main advice because good pilots get used to the joysticks and how planes react.


Start out with the stunt plane as it's slow and pretty easy to mess around with. Similarly, and a tip I suppose, you don't have to stay on the accelerator with the jets. i think a lot of people go too fast in them and the movements allowed with the plane are really sharp and leads to disaster.


For missle avoidance, get used to the timing of when you hear the beeping that they locked onto you. I just instinctively slam both joysticks to the right and insert a flip, basically a corkscrew. I've done it pretty good with just barrel rolling and changing elevation, but that requires knowing the timing of the beeping and when a missle should hit. You can pretty much do the corkscrew as soon as you hear the first triple beep and be good.


Another tip to mess with is what Hatched mentioned and that's knifing. The plane will always dip when you do this, so you'll want to use the opposite R1 or L1 button to keep the plane flying flat opposed to dipping.


The single player flight school does a great job of covering the basics and the online one really expands on a decent pilot.


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Just to prevent any confusion.


R1/L1 buttons are YAW. Or turning left and right by using the rudder and not rolling+pitching the aircraft.


The analog sticks L/R are ROLL/PITCH. 


The key to make complicated flying easy is to do as much turning with YAW as possible and not to exclusively use ROLL+PITCH. Always use YAW and add in ROLL+PITCH as necessary. You will fly in a much more stable fashion and be less likely to get disoriented.

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that helps... my turns always had me rolling upside down. thanks

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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i seem to fly backwards from most tips here, i fly mainly with the L stick and only use L1/R1 for minor adjustments/knife flying. like others say, practice is key. getting a sense of how close you can be from a CP and still hit it takes a lot of practice. i NEVER fly in first person. R stick is just for looking which i barely touch bc it'll throw off ur orientation. sometimes pressing R3 to look behind can help with seeing missiles, the thing with missiles is that they fly like a jumbo jet, they can't turn sharp at all, if u make a big circle it'll still be able to follow you. 


don't ask me about helicopters, i'm still learning and hate them compared to planes.

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I fly way different the Onrefne, anyone whom has raced with me will see my plane rolling all the time, except when I race Onrefne, gotta be on my A game to beat him and any slight error will be loss for sure. When it comes to shaving the CP's he is much better at it than I am.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I love the helicopters. Not that I'm very good at flying them, but I always enjoy it. I do all my driving in first person view, but never while flying.

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doing better, thanks guys. Did some flying today and did well. Died more on that motorcycle race then I did in the plane.

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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I did good, no DNF's. That's a move in the right direction.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Er sorry, I wrote L and R sticks but meant to write L/R Axis of the L stick....the R stick is for the camera only.


Obviously there is more than one way to skin a cat, but for people who get disoriented easily and struggle with keeping their bearings, flying by rudder and being light with the roll/pitch is the obvious choice.

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looked in the sky and saw some gliders today flying pretty low. Was hoping that they went to flight school. 

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"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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A challenge for you pro racers... can  you slip sideways in the los santos alleyway.. wonder if its possible.

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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the one we always meet up at.  the one with the wall


this one

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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