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GTA online for young kids.


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When Little Big Planet isnt enough.  ;)


The DM creator with the "person walking"-view turns out to be a great way for my youngest kid to enjoy the game in a safe way. He can explore the map on foot, no npc no guns no death, just pure exploring. The ability to hit and kick is still there, and if you fall from too high there will be stains.


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I let my kids drive around or walk around in an online invite obly session with the sound off. Yes they can kill or stomp a mud hole in someone's ass, but Im usually there with them or Im checking in on them while do something else. I wont let them do Single player, just in case they get to a mission because of the language in the game movies.


Overall, we are probably bad parents for this, but I'm ok with it.


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NY niece is LS savvy. She only goes in invite only with sound off as well. For an 8 yr old its not too bad...as long as the pedestrian killing is kept at a minimum

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I let my son play GTA online as some of you may know -- but he is not allowed to do the GTA story -- thats way too 'mature' even for me!...

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption...


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My 12 year old sister has played it since launch, played 3 and 4 too.


I know it's not right but I can't say much as I was doing much worse at that age on the streets with less pixels and I also played GTA1 when I was less than 10.


Thankfully, she isn't an idiot, she's fully aware the difference from a PS3 game and real life.


I try to get her to avoid public freemode due to the recent shit happening but she likes to get stuck into the action, no missions, or races - just DM's and freemode killing and she is very good for 12 years old.


I guess the killing skill comes from playing the whole COD and BF series and being pretty good at those too.


She's not interested in kids games, no way.

I will also add that she hasn't been allowed to play since the rape mod thing.

Edited by DavidCore89
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NY niece is LS savvy. She only goes in invite only with sound off as well. For an 8 yr old its not too bad...as long as the pedestrian killing is kept at a minimum

Completely agree here. Any Criminal activity against NPC's is kept at a minimum. If they hit an NPC by accident, that one thing. But they know i will take it away if they are gunning for them. My Son, and My daughter both, apologize to the NPC for hitting them. It's kinda cute. Ages for my kids are 8 and 6. The 8 year old is the one who gets to play mostly. The 6 yo, doesn't really have an interest. But she will watch her brother.


Another rule is no weapons of any kind. Mostly they just run from cops. Probably not the best role model there either, but many driving games include that little feature. So not a big deal. My Son play Lego City Undercover on his DS. Its kinda like GTA Lite for youngsters.


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