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How to make money in GTAO


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How do you make money in GTAO?  I seem to be stuck on about $500,000 and can't seem to increase it.  Is it best to simply buy money or can you make a lot of money so you can buy a new apartment and the best cars?


Any suggestions gratefully received :D

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No buying/modding cars,

stay out of free mode as much as possible,

stay in jobs that pay at the end as much as possible,

stay out of owned-weapon deathcmatches (ammo costs add up fast),


....and just play.




Grind rooftop rumble if you can stomach spending your gametime that way.

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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Missions with crew is a good way to get cash and rep points, vetting playlist can earn you cash, as well as playlist that are crew created, but many playlist are not made for solo runs, unless you repeat some over and over again. If your focused some 16x playlist can get you $250,000+. Sometimes you can find missionaries and keep running missions from the lobby, with the right people you can make a lot of money there too.

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When I first started GTA:O I did pretty much just missions. I had earned up a few million after having a few fully customized cars (not 10). Then, the Great Boom happened. Screwed everyone. I was more so worried about getting sent to the Cheater's Pool that I didn't spend any of it (hardly anyway). Most everyone bought everything they wanted. Then, the Great Collapse happened. Screwed everyone. I was left with $550K as was essentially everyone who got dumped millions and billions of dollars.


At this point I started to do a lot of missions just because it was a structure I liked. I got in on a ton of death matches and races starting in January. I continued to also do missions as I really wasn't in a crew that did stuff together, or were ever online together. Then, April happened and I came here because this game was really starting to lose my interest playing alone and even random jobs with random people wasn't that entertaining anymore.


Since the High Life I have maybe done a total of 5 missions. I wore them down. I played the shit out of missions for months and honestly, I don't want to do another one ever again. I got the cash from it too. As with everything else that was suggested here, I have two of my own:


1) Don't wear anything down by doing it to death. Variety is the spice of life. There's always gonna be some monotony, but you have to switch it up for your own sanity.

2) Get into crew events, activities and play lists. On any given PL you can walk away with $50K-$150K plus, just from having fun.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I'd personally stay away from FR unless you're going in with a few crew members to screw around and not mind possibly losing a lot of money in ammo, PVs and possibly other nasty things.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Ok. so playing with the crew sounds like a better option than free roam - true?


You tell me.


Free roam pays ZERO. Maybe the occasional Simeon vehicle every couple of hours, if you are lucky @$10k.....The best you can hope for is a few armored cars paying out a total of $20k or so

You constantly lose money burning ammo if you fight, and hospital bills if you die, insurance premiums, among other money sinks.



Crew activities and any other type of job pays anywhere from $1k to $12k for every 2 minutes to 10 minutes per job

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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If you want to steal/sell cars or rob armored trucks, use invite only or a crew session instead of free roam. Red top Sentinals and convertible Felons sell for $9500, four door Felons and Ballers net $9000. Gang cars can sell for up to $12k if you can find them. But you can only sell one every 48 minutes, so the cash doesn't add up fast.

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With selling cars, do 1 when you first get online, then jump into crew stuff, sell another when you right before you go offline

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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If I am messing around in the freeroam robbing stores, doing gang attacks I keep an eye on the clock to sell cars. However I usually log on and do crew activities the money made there is alot more fun than doing missions. However I grind missions solo when updates come out because I don't want to bore anyone to death.

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i used to solo Coveted for some nice cash, but with the change made to that mission i'd rather do it with 1 or 2 others to speed it up.

i have switched my main grinding mission to Potshot, once u get the hang of waiting at the bridge for the van to come to u and shooting him in the head, this mission gives 10.5k and a 16x playlist can be done in an hour. took me a while to find said playlist lol


there are also some playlists made with a variety of coveted and potshot to mix it up

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i used to solo Coveted for some nice cash, but with the change made to that mission i'd rather do it with 1 or 2 others to speed it up.

i have switched my main grinding mission to Potshot, once u get the hang of waiting at the bridge for the van to come to u and shooting him in the head, this mission gives 10.5k and a 16x playlist can be done in an hour. took me a while to find said playlist lol


there are also some playlists made with a variety of coveted and potshot to mix it up


I have that Potshot x 16 bookmarked as well, quickest way I've seen to make money.  I have it down to about 3 minutes each, don't need to use any armor and maybe one clip of micro-smg.  I'm more than willing to run it with anyone who wants to make some cash if you see me online, just message.

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Some great advice here.


As already said - avoid freemode or any deathmatches with owned weapons (forced weapons is free ammo).


Crew playlists and job invites from crew members is where I make most of my cash, I can make 500K a day just from accepting invites, no grinding anything is needed.


Crew head to head matches can pay from 50K - 150K for as little as 30 minutes of gameplay.


My best advice is to just play GTAO with crew or friends and enjoy the game as much as possible while playing and getting used to all game modes, don't worry about the cash so much and it will take care of itself.


I put no pressure on myself to bank cash, every job pays out and I know I have fun at the same time.


Missions cost money just from ammo, MW heli pickups, tanks, Buzzards etc, if you fail the mission then you're down even more money because you have to start again.


I used to do them a long time ago but I learned all I could from that and had to move on, It's much more fun shooting other online players in the face rather than NPC's - more skills are picked up and it's more profitable too.


I rarely see mission invites from crew members these days, I guess most do them solo.

Edited by DavidCore89
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I will add that survivals can be money makers if done right.

If you go in and use rpg's and minigun on everything you will likely spend close to what you make. Especially is you don't get beat wave 10.

If doing it to make money, most survivals can be done the whole way with AP Pistol and only get the big stuff out for helis

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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i kinda stopped trying to invite ppl to that and the covetedx16, i just can't seem to get ppl to join lol. and i find potshot a lil easier by myself


It's easy as hell solo.  The one thing I figure that would benefit having more than one person is that the extra people could clean out the farm of bad guys for some more RP as one person delivers the van.


Crew playlists and job invites from crew members is where I make most of my cash, I can make 500K a day just from accepting invites, no grinding anything is needed.



Maybe someday this will be true for me DC, but finishing at the bottom of the PL doesn't pay out as well :D

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Not much that I can add as a whole, but I currently have a little over 8M.  The bulk of that came from crew PLs, races, and TDMs (with forced weapons).  Racing is an excellent way to make money, and you can earn money for just practicing tracks in solo mode.  Sure, it doesn't pay as much, but it all adds up, and as stated, public free roam is just a money sink.  However, like many others, I do sell cars when the timer runs down (about 45 min if I am not mistaken), and I always look for the ones that pay at least 6,000 or more.  I also looked for armored trucks and targets, but this can all be done in closed crew lobbies.


My advice is the be thrifty.  Don't buy too many cars just for the sake of trying them out--test them in single player first and only make purchases that are necessary.  Even paint can add up quickly, so make sure you pick a scheme that you like or will use for a good amount of time.  Also, when trading for a new car, make sure you sell the old one to LSC first.  Never opt to simply replace the car because you will not get any money from it.


I can't do the mission grinds myself anymore, but I did make some money from that back in the day.  It wore on me after awhile, and now I just stick to racing, TDMs, captures, and all of those can be found in crew PLs.

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CCC3 w/ a buzzard is my go to grinding mission.  It takes a little longer than potshot, but I can easily do it while watching tv.  I have to land and snipe 1 last guy, which slows it down the most.


And there's room for a few people to coast along, low levels, busy ppl can join in park their character and do other non ps3 stuff while still making money.

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Very good and informative thread....some of the things I didn't even consider.


As mentioned, I think one of the real keys is not so much making money as the issue is what someone spends it on. Going through various apartments and cars with modding add up really quickly ( I think when we had the Zentorno update I got all three cars, fixed them up, and spent something like 3m just on the cars).


So the money will come with just normal playing, but limiting buying habits is the main thing......going through a ton of cars can be a crippler.


As mentioned, spread it around. I prefer missions these days and kind of cycle through them or am the asshole that accepts the random Rooftop but does the bare minimum (killing everyone, but letting others chase the car and drive to Madrazo's). But just playing and accepting everything will have you making around 200k a day with playing a good amount of time.


Not much to do in free roam but waste money. If I see a Baller when I first hop on I'll run and sell it real quick for 9k, but that's about it.

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What is CCC3? I can't find it.

you have to do crystal clear out first then the 2nd one then you get to play the third on which is cc3 and is easy as hell with a buzzard

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