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leaked "flight school" dlc info


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this is the same guy who had info for the hipster dlc weeks before it came out

official video from Rockstar
Edited by Muskidinho04
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Yeah let's hope it's true , we're loooong overdue an update

yeah. some are speculating that this dlc will drop the 19th of august because its national aviation day. but who knows. I'm hoping that there will also be wing suits. 

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I'd love to see a WW2 warbird like a P-51 Mustang or Spitfire. The names in the code don't give me much hope for that though.

Edited by Beez620
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I could not care less if there was zero new content. This game is BEYOND overdue for a shitload of fixes.


If they do not do something about the "mod menus" , new content is going to be pointless very soon because no one is going to be playing.


Half the lobbies I enter have someone in God mode now, or asteroids and UFO's, these mods are "infectious" meaning they follow every user around to every lobby even if there is no modder in that lobby. You have to restart your game to get rid of it. I found out someone I gamed with often started using a mod menu and was using it to cheat in DM's....I was about to pull my hair out over all the lobby hangs, results screen hangs, kicked to story mode mid-DM, then I found out....added him to block list, restarted game...VOILA! problems disappeared

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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I could not care less if there was zero new content. This game is BEYOND overdue for a shitload of fixes.


If they do not do something about the "mod menus" , new content is going to be pointless very soon because no one is going to be playing.


Half the lobbies I enter have someone in God mode now, or asteroids and UFO's, these mods are "infectious" meaning they follow every user around to every lobby even if there is no modder in that lobby. You have to restart your game to get rid of it. I found out someone I gamed with often started using a mod menu and was using it to cheat in DM's....I was about to pull my hair out over all the lobby hangs, results screen hangs, kicked to story mode mid-DM, then I found out....added him to block list, restarted game...VOILA! problems disappeared

i heard that to fix the space ships/meteors  in your free roam sessions regardless if your solo or in public is to delete the game data file(not your save data for SP the update file/patch file is the one you delete). thats if you were in a lobby what a hacker/modder and didnt know it. though i had meteors near the area of RR mission but they disappeared after having them for a solid 2 week or so in the same area by a 4 way light

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Right, and to do that you have to leave the game....the game utility data delete is unnecessary. The reason you kept seeing them isnt because it was in your game utility data, it is because with something like RR, which 90% of the game population plays each time they log in once, all it takes is a few people to plant something there on the cloud and it will spread like wildfire throughout the game population. So even though you should not have seen it after restarting your game, you were reintroduced to it because so many others are infected by it.


There are literally thousands of mod menu users now. The link to download one of the "public" versions of the mod menus has been viewed up around 100,000 times.


I never played Red Dead Redemption or GTA IV but I heard both games were unplayable as intended due to all the modding crap. This game is clearly headed down the exact same path. 

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Example: During a race you see the UFO's, If all players who see the UFO's etc restart the PS3 then they will vanish, if only 1 player doesn't restart and you try a race again then they will be back and all other players will be infected again.


As HC said, this infects your cloud save data and will follow you all, no matter what you do - full system restart for every player is the only fix.


Logging out or deleting the patch won't fix it.


Every lobby has a god mode or mod menu and that makes freemode unplayable, these things need fixing before any DLC is released IMO, the mod menu and god mode players are running rampant.


I am waiting until a crew use god mode or mods during a crew head to head, I always say that the match is being recorded to avoid such shit.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Jet pack?


I so wanted this as well when I heard the rumours, but i guess it will change the whole game mechanics , when u may be in mid combat with someone and then decide to just shoot up in the air Superman stylee :)

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I could not care less if there was zero new content. This game is BEYOND overdue for a shitload of fixes.


If they do not do something about the "mod menus" , new content is going to be pointless very soon because no one is going to be playing.


Half the lobbies I enter have someone in God mode now, or asteroids and UFO's, these mods are "infectious" meaning they follow every user around to every lobby even if there is no modder in that lobby. You have to restart your game to get rid of it. I found out someone I gamed with often started using a mod menu and was using it to cheat in DM's....I was about to pull my hair out over all the lobby hangs, results screen hangs, kicked to story mode mid-DM, then I found out....added him to block list, restarted game...VOILA! problems disappeared

I'm assuming they will apply some bug fixes to these issues as I can't see why they would have delayed any update this long otherwise ( unless they were just being lazy b*****ds )

I guess all will be revealed in a few days time. I stay away from open lobbies but from what I've heard it's just not safe to even enter them anymore cos those mods are running rampant

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Its about half and half, but lately for me (past week or so) I seem to have been running into them everywhere. I even got trolled by that "chrom3z" douche in a DM. Added to my block list, so that should be the last time that happens.













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I could not care less if there was zero new content. This game is BEYOND overdue for a shitload of fixes.


If they do not do something about the "mod menus" , new content is going to be pointless very soon because no one is going to be playing.


Half the lobbies I enter have someone in God mode now, or asteroids and UFO's, these mods are "infectious" meaning they follow every user around to every lobby even if there is no modder in that lobby. You have to restart your game to get rid of it. I found out someone I gamed with often started using a mod menu and was using it to cheat in DM's....I was about to pull my hair out over all the lobby hangs, results screen hangs, kicked to story mode mid-DM, then I found out....added him to block list, restarted game...VOILA! problems disappeared


Exactly. I've played less and less each day for the last week or so. It's getting to the point when I don't even feel like starting GTA up for anything else but crew PLs.


If they don't fix this shit with the update next week, I doubt I'll play GTA any other time but during crew PLs. Even then you can have someone just come in from an infected lobby and probably cause all sorts of problems. I've seen some new weird things happening in our lobbies in last few days, probably because of this.

I guess I'll get my daily racing fix in GT6 now.

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It is really disappointing to see Rockstar completely ignore these problems that are having such a profound impact on the game. Its as though they really don't give a shit at all...unless it affects their cash profits. The hooker glitch was patched fast, because it had the potential to directly impact their profits. DLC's generate cash card sales, so attention is on them, to hell with fixing problems. That attitude has started to bite them in the ass tho, as lately it is impossible to ignore all these god mode and mod menu users. Not to mention underage teenagers graphically raping eachother online.

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This happens to my brother when he he spawns in his garage. Wtf is this shit!? I am starting to hate this game!!

If that dlc is real, i really hope they also fix this hacked as fuck videogame.

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Holy shit that's a lot of million dollar price tags! 2 seater hydra, sounds good to me.

It is really disappointing to see Rockstar completely ignore these problems that are having such a profound impact on the game. Its as though they really don't give a shit at all...unless it affects their cash profits. The hooker glitch was patched fast, because it had the potential to directly impact their profits. DLC's generate cash card sales, so attention is on them, to hell with fixing problems. That attitude has started to bite them in the ass tho, as lately it is impossible to ignore all these god mode and mod menu users. Not to mention underage teenagers graphically raping eachother online.

LOL I am not sure if you are t alking about the rape mod or not. Someone teleported into my helicopter, used some turbo mod causing me to crash. When I respawned a character with his pants down mounted my character and begun thrusting me from behind. Someone hit us luckily and I was able to move again. Most modders are toxic but this shit was hilarious

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Holy shit that's a lot of million dollar price tags! 2 seater hydra, sounds good to me.

LOL I am not sure if you are t alking about the rape mod or not. Someone teleported into my helicopter, used some turbo mod causing me to crash. When I respawned a character with his pants down mounted my character and begun thrusting me from behind. Someone hit us luckily and I was able to move again. Most modders are toxic but this shit was hilarious


It happened tonight to lann3fors and beardfacebearman :lol: 


This shit happens in EVERY public lobby I join now, it's out of control.

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Well over a month without any real patches is problematic for me. As it's already been mentioned, I don't want to see this head the way of GTA 4 so soon.


I'd rather see things fixed and working properly than some shiny new toys that will get stale the very next day.


Security/playability > Content


Every, single, day, of, the, week.


In regards to the Coquette 2, instead of a C7 based Z06 or a ZR1 .. let's jump back in time to the good old Stingrays and get an American Sports Classic out of this.


And besides, I thought "High Roller" + Casino was the next big thing ;)

Edited by G37

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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It happened tonight to lann3fors and beardfacebearman :lol:


This shit happens in EVERY public lobby I join now, it's out of control.

I have been infected by this new garage barricade glitch. Even if I join an invite only session I am still barricaded in my garage. So annoying!!!!!

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I have been infected by this new garage barricade glitch. Even if I join an invite only session I am still barricaded in my garage. So annoying!!!!!

Ive had the random piece of blue machinery stuck in my garage  took me awhile to lose it

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Something very awkward happend to my bro a few days ago. A hacker teleported to him, my bro tried to kill him but he had god mode. Then, that hacker got closer to him and what happens next? my bro couldn't move anymore and he started DANCING automatically! He raises his arms, one of his legs and spins around himself!

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Something very awkward happend to my bro a few days ago. A hacker teleported to him, my bro tried to kill him but he had god mode. Then, that hacker got closer to him and what happens next? my bro couldn't move anymore and he started DANCING automatically! He raises his arms, one of his legs and spins around himself!

That is very common in public lobbies.


Tell your bro to stay out of public lobbies until at least the next patch, the chaos is widespread... Or he could join us and always be in crew lobbies  ;).

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