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Lazer Griefing


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Today I got to spend some time in freeroam, not something I do much anymore as I tend to kick the PS3 on just before the start of an event, my timeframe at home and shop doesn't like xtra game time, but today I said hell with it.

I had forgot how much of a treat it is to be an arse once ina while till I snatched a free roam jet and started tearing into the randoms. Alot of fun, had 3 come at me in Buzzards at the same time, after flying literal circles around them I took them out. One sent a message asking if they could get jets and fly with me. I said sure (expecting a fight from them), they got on my wing, we flew over LS and cause pure carnage for a few.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Much fun can be had from such activities.


I used to do quite similar stuff but with a Buzzard, shame the machine guns are not as powerful as the Lazer.


Give me a shout when you're on patrol next, I could do with the Lazer practice  ;).

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I cant ever aim the guns on a Buzzard or Annihilator for that matter.

Lazer cannon lethal to tanks

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I cant ever aim the guns on a Buzzard or Annihilator for that matter.

Lazer cannon lethal to tanks

Same here, it's never steady enough.


Yeah, people are saying that the Lazer is the new tank - lets just hope it doesn't get nerfed.

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