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God Mode Glitchers


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I've just encountered my first two 100% invincible players online. This is quite disheartening, I hope this is patched and patched soon or I fear I may start to distance myself from the game.

Rockstar, fix it!




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Jupp me and Wecang had one of those assholes joining a public server last night as well, their probably just kids playing around but annoying anyway.

One more reason to stay in Crew only servers :angry:  

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Very annoying when you can't even get one kill on them, I've only encountered 2 in the time I've played. One was in free roam and I didn't know what was going on I kept knocking him over every time he got up until I realised he wasn't gonna die. Another more recently was in a DM but he couldn't shoot me for some reason.

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I once encountered one in a deathmatch and decided to hit him with everything I had. Needless to say that was a pretty dumb move.

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Yeah that was the same DM, Danni that he almost got me to break my controller!! He could kill me for sure and spawned on my head several times...

I once encountered one in a deathmatch and decided to hit him with everything I had. Needless to say that was a pretty dumb move.


You should just have stabbed him Banks  :lol:

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I came across one of them in freemoad about two weeks ago, i reported him to R* so hopefully they will fix it before it get's out of hand

If at first you dont succeed... It wont hurt to smoke some weed!!! : DIZZY :

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You should just have stabbed him Banks  :lol:


Would that have sent him to the ground? I managed to knock him down with the heavy sniper rifle. It was just impossible to make him stay down.


I came across one of them in freemoad about two weeks ago, i reported him to R* so hopefully they will fix it before it get's out of hand


Yeah, reporting it is the way to go. Invisibility is a new low.

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I reported the first guy, but the stupid "wait before you can report someone else" rule meant the second guy got away with it.




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With your stabbing skills at my DM, yeah maby :D


Haha, ahh. :D Yeah, that went pretty well. It's kind of funny as I'm useless with the bat and crowbar.


Back to the god mods. A little while back I was at my parents place playing on my little brothers account (Their gaming time is heavily reduces when big bro is on visit :lol:). I was parked in the middle of nowhere when out of the blue two randoms appeared and one of them killed me... of course. Turns out it was some level 1000 god modder transporting a low level dude from player to player, so he could kill them before they knew what hit 'em. That's what I call god mod charity. :wacko: It was so bizarre looking at the map seeing two red dots jumping all over the place killing left and right.

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I've only seen one of these since I've been playing, and it was the same one that Dani and RO9M mentioned.  I too reported him, but they have done absolutely nothing about it.  I checked the guy's RSC account, and he still has all of his money and absurd stats.


It truly frustrates me.  I cannot express in words just how much I dislike people who do this sort of nonsense.  If it were up to me, they'd all be banned for life from any R* online game.


However, I have been killed by a couple of garage glitchers, and I remember one guy sniping everyone from beneath the map.  In my opinion, they all deserve the same ban.



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Run over god modes with a tank and park it on them. They will die. Catch them on respawn and do again. It's fun watching them rage quit or send you "your a tank pussy" message.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I now know how to get under the map but I'll save that for the next twanker I encounter ;) I would never use a glitch to spawn kill but sometimes they are fun to use. I never knew you could kill god modes I always thought if you parked on top of them they would teleport out somehow..

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To be fair to the first guy I met today, after realising I couldn't kill him* and after he had retaliated to my futile attempt on his life, he honked his horn and invited me to cause some havoc. But knowing that something like this is in the game and it's beginning to spread is the concern, as there will/are lots of people who will just use it to be a dick.


As for the reporting system, it would see, the general consensus is that it doesn't work. What is the point of having it there if it leads to nothing, and with all the bleeting lately from Rockstar about wanting to clamp down on hackers, it doesn't fill me with much confidence.


*I had my reasons, honest.




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The new god mode means they cannot be killed at all, even skydiving from as high as possible - faceplant and get straight back up.


This is simple to do, takes a matter of seconds and involves nothing more than your controller wire.


I hope it gets fixed ASAP but in reality R* are probably more worried about the money glitches going on.


Money glitches don't affect anyone but god mode is bullshit, it's for kids who can't get a kill without cheating and it is gonna ruin the whole game.

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This game is fucked up! Yesterday I was playing in a crazy session with everyone killing each other. It was fun until an idiot with god mod joins the party. That is annoying as fu**. And in that session there was some big strange objects, like giant rocks or something.... Wtf!? R* is starting to get on my nerves, they don't do anything about this bullshit.

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This game is fucked up! Yesterday I was playing in a crazy session with everyone killing each other. It was fun until an idiot with god mod joins the party. That is annoying as fu**. And in that session there was some big strange objects, like giant rocks or something.... Wtf!? R* is starting to get on my nerves, they don't do anything about this bullshit.


I've seen things about the "meteorites" for a few weeks now, but it seems to have become more frequent over the past couple of days or so. There's also some glitch involving the Ferris Wheel becoming detached, which is also related to hackers.




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Yeah I was in a good session yesterday until a couple of players went into God mode, I’ve also ran into a few giant rocks that spawned in front of me.  Hope R* get this sorted soon as it already ruins the game and will only get worse.

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From reading this thread I assume I kill too many randoms :D I've ran into 10+ god mode randoms, all of which ate my bullets and spit them back out. Much to my surprise I've never been killed by someone that is invincible, just couldn't kill them.

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Yeah I was in a good session yesterday until a couple of players went into God mode, I’ve also ran into a few giant rocks that spawned in front of me.  Hope R* get this sorted soon as it already ruins the game and will only get worse.


I was enjoying that session :(

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I also ran into some God Mods, the worst part was every time he killed me I could hear him on mic, squeaky little voice saying "I own you b*tch" that got my blood boiling.  Then in the same session, my chopper got shot down over water, when I fell into the water I could walk around the bottom of the ocean as if on land, very strange but kinda cool.

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