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Your Machine Hidden

Mark Verstappen

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Your Machine Hidden


Come and join us on Wednesday 5th of May at 20:00 UK Time for Your Machine Hidden! Just turn up to the parking lot of the str*p Mall in Harmony in a random NPC or Pegasus car.

Instead of determining of who has the best car before we start a playlist everyone who signs up has to hide their car in Los Santos which we have to find as we do in Mystery Car. This means that you get to shout clues of the location/car instead of me.

For this event everyone picks a raceable car they want us to race in and picks a general area to search in so each car wont take as long as my searches and we shouldn't be able to accidentally find other peoples cars before we start looking for them.

Sign up with the general area you like to hide your car but do not tell us the car in advance! An Area is something like Downtown, Vespucci/Del Perro & Vinewood/Pillbox Hill. For this one to make the areas slightly bigger you can also pick the Vinewood hills as an area which we usually omit.

Pick whichever vehicle you think people should get a taste of! We will do all races as one makes so you might have to spawn some copies of your vehicle. We are not tied to a 100k budget like usually with Mystery Car but you can still pick one if you like.

I will invite everyone who signs up in a random order to give a little bit of time for everyone to hide their car. This inviting might start slightly before 8 PM UK time depending on who I see online.

Post below with the area you plan to hide your car in to get involved! No duplicate areas.

  • Verstappen (Not hiding a car)
  • Warriors (Vinewood)
  • Mulder (Cypress Flats)
  • Dave (Mirror Park)
  • Alex (Vinewood Hills)


  • Catman
Edited by Mark Verstappen
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I'm a busy little sausage today and may not be back in time, and even if I am, the wife has the audacity to need picking up from work at 9..

So we shall see

  • Sad 1

50% Cat 50% Man 110% Bellend

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