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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary 13#: Things To Do...


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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary



i havent been as active as i was in my "early days" on the crew and there are few reasons


:excl:  im lazy bastard (and honest)

:excl:  havent had good nights sleep since the heat wave (oh winter where are thee...)

:excl:  R* Cloud Servers are giving more hard times than my ex boss (damn be his soul..)

       so it kind of eats away motivation...but just a little


also i have few things on my table that i try to get done, few things that i will abandon and so on..

and everything would be just hunky-dory rainbows and smiling sun


it seems my so called real life have only one purpose and thats peeing on my morning tea, not gonna go to details but long story short:

everytime i sit my ass down i get "summoned" to somewhere else and when i finally come back to this place i call home (and hobbits call it mount doom..its a heat thing..fuckers keep throwing the ring to my carpet in a hope it will destroy it) im too tired and and too hot to do anything,

also mother nature was bit of an bitch and sended thunderstorm that made little havoc to my personal server and to my PC

nothing was lost but my hardware have had little "Derp" Moments and i have tryed to fix the issues

But.. (Again)

i try to get things done and i try to get myself into gta online

meanwhile here is what is waiting on my table:





Those that have DEADLINE (Main Things)


-> Footage For handcuff-charlie - i havent even started cause i still have main problem: where to upload it all?, but when i start it will be 1 days job, i need help on this

-> Vetting Session Video (16.7.2014) - need to find suitable music for it, this will be done and uploaded before next vetting session..

-> Lets Play GTA Online - i uploaded last of my old footage to youtube and i need to get doing more, Chemical Extraction maybe? i need to do atleast 3 episodes

-> Lets Play XCOM: Enemy Within - uploaded last episode i had, need to do 3 episodes atleast..


Random Things / Non-DEADLINE-THINGS


-> GTA Online XDBX Crew - this is not actual series and its on my channel under "GTA STUFF" but its my personal favorite,

                                            "GTA Online XDBX Crew - Accidents N Violence" is  work in progress. i dont have enough footage to do this so this is on hold until i have


-> twitch.tv streaming - i need to start streaming now that i have good hardware to do so, this is important project but havent really look into it yet


-> Get Familiar with new hardware - i have new capture card and im still runing on default settings, i need to check it out what it can do and what it cant


-> Record Game Voice Chat - this was an issue with the old capture device and it is problem now, and cause my budget on the videos is 0€ i need to build up something myself

                                                so i can record the "missing channel", but as in now, i dont know where to begin...for now


Upcoming Things (Maybe) (Names are just drafts)


-> "Lets Play Dont Starve" - its gonna be until-i-die series, so its not gonna be that long..seriously i dont have any idea what im doing in this game

-> "Lets Play Watch Dogs" - not sure will i do this, if i do it might be some sort of walktrough

-> "Lets Play Starbound" - i never favor making videos about games that NEVER END, and Starbound is in Beta State so..maybe i do something short..maybe..

-> "Lets Play Project Zomboid" - Zombie Survival, YES, this is what i wanna do..i think this will replace XCOM lets play when it ends or something.

-> "GTA ONLINE GUIDES" - those guide topics i have writen, yup, thinking making em on video form on youtube..Work In Progress..


also i need to get: DayZ, Xenonauts, Halfway, Trials Evolution, to start something on those...DAYZ and Trials Evolution are high priority..


A B A N D O N E D Thingsh


-> BISQUIT ADVENTURE - i call it quits, my biggest failure and first project that i abandon, reasons: bad capture device, lost people that were essential to the project

                                           i may restart this but now its failed and abandoned project


-> Armor n Weapon Guide - it was part of GTA Online XDBX Crew videos but footage was lost and corrputed thanks to my old video capture device, i may restart this but for now

                                             its "on hold"


Work Work Work...





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Don't rush it Matus! Remember, quality over quantity.


I really enjoy your videos, so making them rare enough actually adds value.

If I could do a comparison, it's like 10 episodes of GoT per year vs 462817354 episodes of Neighbours per year (month?). (your videos fit in the GoT category here if its not obvious  ;) )


Have you thought about perhaps joining a vetting session as a spectator and have it captured from a helicopter. I reckon some of TDMs could look amazing captured from above and not from 1st person view. I think HC experimented with that a little already. Of course its a looooot more fun to be a part of the PL than just spectate it.

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Likewise, I also enjoy your videos, and there's no need to rush--we aren't going anywhere. :)


I know where you're coming from with the real life thing though--seems most days are limited to late evenings and late nights.  Also, I'm kind of lazy myself--well, procrastinator might be a better term. :D


It's always fun to read these, and I'm glad to see you're hanging in there.  That sucks about the PC, but glad you didn't lose everything.  I've been there myself, and it's a tough road.

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Have you thought about perhaps joining a vetting session as a spectator and have it captured from a helicopter. I reckon some of TDMs could look amazing captured from above and not from 1st person view. I think HC experimented with that a little already. Of course its a looooot more fun to be a part of the PL than just spectate it.

i was talking about this with Xyon after the last vetting session that i would join as spectator BUT i need to make a test run about this, also this idea would be good so i could get some extra footage from differend angles, oh and i was filming from helicopter in last vetting session, thanks to RO9M A.k.A "Rommie" for flying my buzzard while i was filming ^^ also it would be fun to just fly and film the sessions

i mean been camera man in deathmatch is bit difficult :D




That sucks about the PC, but glad you didn't lose everything.  I've been there myself, and it's a tough road.

my old Blood Injection system (heart) skipped few litres when i was on my PC rendering and there was lighting and EVERYTHING went dark and i just heard sound of my HD`s to slow down, THEN the power came back on and i heard how those HD`s restarted themselfs and it didnt sound very good, BUT its a good thing that im more paranoid than CIA and NSA compared so even my backups have backups, only thing i lost was the project i was doing or half of it actually, second thing that made my day worse was that PC that i use to do my "Movie Magicz" showed the Blue Screen of Hades everytime i tryed to start it, but thanks to mad computer skills (and 20kg hammer) it works now, it is missing few bytes from its OS but it works

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No more bisquit adventure?

Today is a sad day......

*playing small violen*



this might be a good time to pull miracle out of your top hat of infinite mysteries, so we can kickstart the biscuit adventure..

seriously now: no matter that all of the video testing, audio testing and footage, (yes there *was* Biscuit Adventure Footage) was all for nothing

i still have idea how to salvage this..B U T..i dont want to reveal or say anything yet

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Wasn't aware you had a YT channel - needless to say I am now subscribed and will be mashing the LIKE button quite a lot.


Yours Aye,


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Wasn't aware you had a YT channel


of course i have...actually i have two, but this is my main channel https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMatusware, second one i have is where i started my "carreer" and it has been "semi-abandoned" long time ago

and it wasnt me alone i started it with an friend, so it was kind of pet project to me and my friend but both have ever since found our "carreers" else where and in differend games, time to time we pop in and make appearances to each others channels and rarely upload something to the old channel



needless to say I am now subscribed and will be mashing the LIKE button quite a lot.


Yours Aye,



well thank you mate ^^






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Hey buddy.

Sit down, relax and take a big breath of air..don't stress it.
I agree with Zmurko, it's better you use your time and put out quality over quantity.

To be honest, as much as I love your videos and your awesome posts, i rather see you out there in LS playing with us (Not sure if I'm allowed to say that), gaming with us :)


And if it's something I could help you out with, just say the word.
I owe you a good amount of hours of help Mate :)

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And if it's something I could help you out with, just say the word.



Well now that you mentioned it, biscuits please!


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