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Tell/Show us a particular skill/hobbie that makes you wierd.


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You know 1 think that makes everyone different is the things they like to pick up.. Some people like to pick up knitting, some like to pick up killing people as hobbies.. Tell us here what you like to do for shits and giggles..


I myself like to blow fire.. ya really blow fire...



And video.. Was done the july 4th week..





I also like walks on the beach and politics and other wierd things like Death and religion..


But this here and well mostly everything I do is what sets me apart from everyone else.



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Well, I used to play poker semi-professionally.  I learned how to play around the ripe old age of 5 or 6, and from there, I learned several different variants.  I have been out of it for several years though, but I still like to play non-serious games for fun (and a very modest amount of money).


I also have a passion for writing, but I have problems with both perfectionism and procrastination, so I have yet to write anything worthy of being published.  I write fiction though; non-fiction is much more difficult for me.


I am also obsessed with history, and I used to be fairly good with figuring out the element's of a person's dialect just by hearing them say a few random sentences.  Language and history are absolutely fascinating to me, but I am not a political person at all.  Well, the history of politics is ok, but I don't trust politicians, so I steer away from them.


I'm useless when it comes to drawing, most new technology, and dating. :P


Very cool picture--I would probably set myself on fire if I tried that though. :D

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You should hear me speak sometime.. I got this pittsburghese(yes real look it up) and ghetto speak going on..


Blowing fire isnt hard.. the shit you see online where people burn themseves is cause they are idiots and dont repect the flame much..


I have been doing this since 13 age 40 now and have never ever ever been burnt..


Do you know history or what they say history? Just asking cause history and politics go together like a bad marriage.

Edited by Jwitfield
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I can crack my knuckles without touching them,by only clenching my fists.Not a hobby,just weird.


Yeah I can crack lots of bones in my body...fingers, thumbs, wrists, shoudlers, neck, back, ankles, toes :lol:


I love it! Makes me feel relaxed

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  • 5 months later...

I paint miniatures, for tabletop gaming.  It's probably not that 'weird' since tabletop gaming is a pretty popular hobby.


It's a pretty crappy picture, but all my painting pics were lost on a previous hard drive.





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Naw, the miniatures haven't been made of lead since the 70's.  Now it's a pewter alloy.  My massive pile of unpainted miniatures is a combination of pewter, plastic and resin.




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Naw, the miniatures haven't been made of lead since the 70's. Now it's a pewter alloy. My massive pile of unpainted miniatures is a combination of pewter, plastic and resin.

my brother had loads when we were kids, I'm thinking he told me they were lead so I didn't dare touch them....
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