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The Ultimate BEER Topic


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Welcome to the ultimate BEER topic


As many else one of my big passions is good food and beverage, especially BEER.

I was just thinking it would be great to share each other's beer experience in this thread.


The crew has people spread around the world and so is good beer, this would maybe help us to learn about beer types we never heard of, and maybe also be so lucky to get to try some new wonderful tastes.


I will try to give you guys the BEER OF THE WEEK, once a week of course ;)

This would be my own opinion so people may disagree, but that's OK ;)


People with good cocktail / long drink recipes are also more than welcome to write :)


Cheers Guys

(Or Skål as we say in Norway)




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Damn didn't see that... sorry  :)

It's not al the same doh  ;) but it's just to move or delete it if you guys think it should be combined with the other one  :)



I moved your post into that topic, you can steer the converstaion into however you like, beer of the week sounds awesome.

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