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Club Exhibition Day!

Mark Verstappen

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Come and join us on Wednesday 19th of August at 20:00 BST for our Club Race Night. Just turn up to the golf club (where else) in an upgraded Club for a night of racing and more!

We will be racing, showing off, drifting and whatever else I see fit! 😁

Make sure your owned one it is lowered to the max or it'll feel as if you're driving on the range!

Don't worry if you don't own a Club, we can spawn them in for you.

Post below to get involved! (preferrably with pictures of Golf or clubs)

  1. Verstappen
  2. Catman
  3. Mulder
  4. Trashbags
  5. Paulie
  6. Dave
  7. Warriors
  8. Chubb
  9. Badinga
Edited by Mark Verstappen
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Sorry guys, I won't be in this one or for a few weeks. Was getting overheating issues in my PS4, and when I took it apart to clean out the heatsink and put it back together I must have got something wrong because my PS4 is bricked. 

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6 minutes ago, Challenger001 said:

Sorry guys, I won't be in this one or for a few weeks. Was getting overheating issues in my PS4, and when I took it apart to clean out the heatsink and put it back together I must have got something wrong because my PS4 is bricked. 

Painful stuff...

I done the same with a PS3 many years ago after about the 4th take apart and re-assemble. That was painful and it wasn’t mine,

Good luck with a fix!

  • Thanks 1

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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Ouch! Gonna try to repair this one or getting a new one when its possible?

I once tried opening my original PS4 to clean it but didn't have the right tools. Never got far enough into the thing to get to the heatsink. There's some shield I couldn't get off. It sounded like a jet engine when playing games. I shouldn't have placed it on the ground where the cat went around it all the time I suppose. It's now my parents DVD player since the PS2 got unbearable for that.

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9 minutes ago, Mark Verstappen said:

Ouch! Gonna try to repair this one or getting a new one when its possible?

I once tried opening my original PS4 to clean it but didn't have the right tools. Never got far enough into the thing to get to the heatsink. There's some shield I couldn't get off. It sounded like a jet engine when playing games. I shouldn't have placed it on the ground where the cat went around it all the time I suppose. It's now my parents DVD player since the PS2 got unbearable for that.

Probably get a new one. I had a look at this guy's channel who runs a repair shop in Oregon and the symptoms seem a lot like a 'terminal' issue. My fix attempt using the washers he says works 70% of the time, so it was a risk worth taking. I imagine I should be able to pick up a second hand one relatively cheaply at this point, especially with the news of the PS5's launch. Just something to keep me going. 

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When I took the lid off mine to clean the fan, I went no further  than that and just used a cotton bud to loosen the dust on the fan then blew it off (if you'll Pardon the pun). Been spot on ever since. 

Im not being so lucky with my pc though

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50% Cat 50% Man 110% Bellend

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Thanks for the evening @Mark Verstappen and the rest of you gents. I had a lot of fun with the Golf, it can really be thrown about and most of the time it just takes it. Makes it easier to have closer racing, less fear of taking someone out. And in the unfortunate event that someone is taken out we just have to hope it’s Dave, as always 👍

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