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GTAO in May 2019


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With RDRO being barren and hence not very attractive to the crew at the moment I was wondering if is worth picking up GTAO again in the meantime. So, is it worth picking it in May 2019? 

Did the updates in the past months change the gameplay for the better or is it more of the same?

Is the crew actually still playing GTAO? 

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I'd say yes it is worth still playing, but then I never stopped playing it.

The crew is still active but obviously not as active as a couple of years ago. In the European time zones (9pm UK time) we have regular playlists on Monday, Wednesday, ever other Friday and Saturday, plus Sunday racing league. The Wednesday one has quite variable numbers and sometimes we just do a bit of job hopping with randoms, run the current crew challenge track a few times, etc rather than a proper playlist. Other than 2 Bros on Saturday which is always a mixed playlist and has the largest turnout, they are also more racing orientated. I try to put combat in Whacked Out Wednesdays but it depends on the numbers. For me I think whilst you can race with a couple of players, you can't really do TDMs and captures without a reasonable number. 

I would say the updates haven't changed things that much. It depends how far back "past months" goes. There's more adversary modes, and the motor wars arena jobs - but they don't get played that much unless it's a specific event for them. Again, same problem as for TDMs & captures. Many of them need at least 4 per team to work well. Other recent updates are RC Bandito races (remote control trucks) and 3 new Simeon jobs. But I'd say nothing that has drastically changed the game as far as playlists go. I can't comment on what free roam is like because I have never been that much of a free roam player.

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I never completely stopped playing so I say yes. There are still multiple crew events going on. There is is even an active racing series. 

The game is still receiving content and I believe another big update is coming soon. 

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You've convinced me ;) Expecting my copy of the game in the post in a few days.

Looking forward to racing with you lot (not sure if I'll join the league, is it possible to hop in on and off?).

 WIll probably try out the doomsday heist, maybe update my oppressor to mk2. If I remember correctly I was doing a lot of import/export, weapons bunker, mc stuff. Anything else worth looking into?

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As far as making money, i/e and bunker sales are best imo. Playlists with crew are the most entertaining.

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23 minutes ago, AlCohonez said:

What does the nightclub do? Consolidate all your business into one for a massive upfront investment? 

Sort of. The game says something like "you can manage all your CEO and Biker gang businesses from your club". That isn't really true, or least not in the way most of us seemed to think it meant before clubs were released. What happens is once you own a club you can hire workers who can be assigned to any of your businesses that you have open (one worker per business). Once assigned they gather goods for you, but those goods don't go to the business they are associated with, they go to your club basement. You can sell those goods any time you like, in  a public lobby. But the sales have nothing to do with the type of business those goods came from, they are completely new set of sales missions which you start from your club. You can, and probably usually will, sell mixed sets of goods from different businesses (I just do "sell all"). It makes no difference what you sell, whether they are coke, weed, CEO crates etc or a mix of all of them. I forget the exact details now but how ever many different business there are in-game, the number of workers you can have is two less than that. So if you have them all and all the workers you'll want to keep the two least profitable ones closed (unless you want to go for the "special deliveries" of set amounts of different goods, but I'd say they not worth bothering with or you are running those business anyway). The workers at your club have no effect on what happens at your actual businesses. If you want to run those as well you still need to do supply runs or buy supplies. If you don't keep them supplied you will get annoying phone calls from LJT telling you they have no stock, but I can put up with that for them working for me.

So basically, once you have the club and some workers hired those workers generate goods for you to sell for no effort on your part and it works all the time you are logged in. You have to pay wages for the workers and the usual costs of keeping your businesses open. But in effect it is money for almost nothing. It's worth doing if you're taking a long term view because they will amass huge amounts of money for you. But it's a large start up cost, so it would be a while before it all pays that off.

Edited by djw180
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  • 1 month later...

With a potential Casino update i have started up my (passive) nightclub grind again. I hope for something huge. Big gambling, new use of that racetrack, tons of missions, additions to the creator, multiple floor garages like the nightclubs, a new car (coupes, sedans, compacts please) for every card in the deck. Bring it on!

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I had 2 million a couple months ago and I have 9.5 million now. Made a lot during double $$ gunrunning.  Don’t even know why I felt compelled to keep trying to get richer. I guess I thought I could still buy a few expensive things I didn’t have but want like the scram jet. Glad I didn’t buy it. Cause 9.5 million might just barely get me started for a casino DLC. Gonna look to keep earning money. 

Edited by pete2581


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