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Do any of you do this online with your character...and if so how far do you take it...

Character backstory...etc?

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i only ever really do it in SP much easier to get into character i find plus the limitations online mean you just have to "fake" alot of things,



befor DB i was starting to get involved with The Mercanti Family which is a RolePlaying Mafia based crew it was cool because on the forums you would have a "Job" area where you could go pick up hits drug deals etc. but they senior staff would find a character model in the game, post of picture of it and give him a name and a back story you would then have to go , do the hit, take pics, destroy your stolen car ( had to be stolen ) and then report back to "the don" with your proff of kill.


Those jobs were cool BUT there were others like drug deals where you would walk up to an NPC and bump into him and if he stay calm and walks away you sold him the drugs , if he fights you trys to kill you etc then he didnt want the drugs ( good concept but pretty dumb if you ask me, getting people to follow that kinda honor system is real tough to do)


Looks great on paper and could work but takes ALOT of work and time to get it going well

Future is nothing but a series of probability




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Cool...I have pretended my character is a crazy mercenary pretty much since day one...I keep getting offers to join bike crews but there are so many stupid rules...Every time I put my character in a suit I say to myself " He would not wear this " and I change back.

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i more or less try to make my guy an extension of me that is able to do the things in life that i cannot, like blow things up and beat up fat ladys walking down the road :)



LOL im just playin about wanting to beat fat ladys its fun beating pixelized fat ladys but not real ones

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Future is nothing but a series of probability




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Cool...I.try to make my guy look tough...I have never blown anything up but I have fired a minigun.

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I change my clothes sometimes depending on the activity.  But my yellow fight club manties were banned :(

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@PB IMO your guy looks scared all the time...like a sad homicidal clown...

@Hannabis...I dont wanna see your boys pop out when you are throwing a haymaker so I approve...; )

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i always change my clothes to fit the scenerio, anyone notice my merc suit when we had the DM championship? i would have went full camo if they actually had decent looking camo jackets or shirts and if there camos matched on diff peices of clothing

Future is nothing but a series of probability




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I hear that...I thought about wearing a high life suit once heists come out...not sure I will though.

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I originally tried to make him look like Tubbs



but I got bored and gave him blonde corn rows. check my character.. they look alike 

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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My character is a young nigga who was born somewhere in the ghettos of LS, in Ballas territory.

He was extremely poor but very smart. He started hustlin when he was just 12 years old...

Now he is 21 and RICH. He has what he always wanted, which is Money, drugs, and bitches! He's now enjoying life, but is still hustlin!


This topic is interesting :)

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Thanks...I think so...I have 1 mercenary and 1 gangsta and they dress different and drive different cars.

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Don't know if this counts as role play as such, but I tend to revert back to my flight sim days whenever airborne - at least when landing.  I know GTA V lets you land most planes on little more than a tennis court, I just can't get out of the habit of trying to do it right (kinda-sorta).


As for back-stories - I lack the imagination necessary to come up with anything interesting, so the in game persona is really just plain old me.  Boring clothes, normal haircut, no tats, no crazy winners salute type gestures.  Boring, but honest.


Having said that, there is this weird glass tube shaped thing in my apartment - game refers to it as a 'bong', whatever the hell that is.  I thought it might be a musical instrument of some sort, but it doesn't make much of a sound and it seems to mess up the in game colours for a while.  Strange.


Yours Aye,


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I try to keep my character dressed in business wear during the week, I suppose it comes from when I worked on an office for many years until last year. Friday night I always dress her down. (Sorta me)


Clearly she is a crazy lunatic whose weapons of choice are the crowbar, AP, AK and the RPG... I have never used any of those in real  life... Although I can't say that there are not a few people out there that could use a good whack with my trusty crowbar ;)  (So not me)


I do have to admit that I really enjoy every kill I make :ph34r::lol::ph34r: . As long as their little NPC families don't mind or sue me, I will continue with my mass carnage with Captain Unicorn and Dr Kaboom :D

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ive always liked the idea of my character being the traditional silent gta type, more towards the hired gun, but likes to get up close and personal. and masquerades his illicit activities through the front of a fake shipping company which was originally a small crew that id made, but nothing came of it.


as for outfits it usually tops off with jeans, but i toggle the body armour on visible depending on the scenario, like big missions or big DMs, as i imagine thats the kinda thing he would do. same with camo clothes where applicable, but ive done the same thing where i try put him in any other clothes or change his hair and it just doesn't look right.


.B R E A K S T U F F.


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My Character is Dressed as MC member always, he has tattoos that tells most of his past

Loyal Only To his former MC Commisioner and DB Leader



he was part of RAVEN MC before Joining in DB

he has been sentenced to Alderney State Correctinal Facility and in Bolingbroke Penitentiary,

total sentence twenty-five years

killed eleven fellow inmates

incited three riots

escaped twice


enemies: The Lost MC

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