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How much time have you spent in a 5 star Wanted level (R* Social Club stats)?


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I have graduated to the Big Leagues:


Time spent with a 5 star Wanted Level --------------------------------------- 0d 0h 0m 9s :P

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption...


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Still at 4 I think. maybe messing around one day I hit 5 and dont remember. 

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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The real challenge is doing this without the help of Pegasus. You know, your tanks and buzzards lol.


Things get pretty damn crazy at 5*s. Didn't San Andreas have 6*s? I can't really remember but I know that was insane too.


Either way with the apparent buff to NPCs in general, I'm thinking 5*s just got a hell of a lot harder.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I dont remember when it happened or what I was doing at the time, or was it with Pegasus help (I am sure it was), but I looked at the stats today and I got nine seconds -- very exciting!...


I think, San Andreas did have six stars, but I know I never got to that -- at five stars they send the whole Navy after you!...

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption...


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23m 5s, no tank or buzzard........I'm a bad girl


I think most of that time was spent driving round and round the block in an armored police riot van feeling invincible!

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When me, Dani and Fido did a bit of this the tires got shot out on the police truck. I thought it was suppose to be fully armored.


I got a five star unintentionally flying around in the laser once but got so bored shitless I crashed. Not on purpose mind you but you know when you start drifting....

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I've spent 10hrs 39 mins as of right now with 5 stars, but no doubt that will change and go up because I like the thrill of being chased by the police with the captain in the drivers seat ;). Glitter gun ready for fire , the hunt shall commence :ph34r: .... no one shall survive.... well 'cept me and the posse  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

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3h 26m - I take it it adds it up from the whole time spent in game? Definitely never done that in one go...


vice city had 6 stars also - I loved when the army came after you lol

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Total Time- 5 Star Wanted Level 22m 11s according to gta5stats.com, think most of that was a driving one of the big troop carrier trucks round in circles for ages in the military base while my mates nicked planes.


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I agree I miss the 6 stars and army coming after you.  

I don't really like the police in this one, when they see you they act like futuristic cyborgs with unnatural strength and abilities.  But you turn a corner and hide in a bush and they run around confused like it's a Benny Hill skit.

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0d 8h 22m 46s (and counting..) Please ignore the fact that i have gun on my hand. It is not meant to be an aggressive gesture. It's how I say hello

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  • 6 months later...

Last night,  I got 5 stars for the first time or at least able to survive 5 stars for more than a few seconds. I got 7 minutes 51 seconds but I was on foot the whole time, no tank or airplane.


But after reading this thread, damn, some of you are just killing machines!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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