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I'm getting ready to restart mine. It's not much. 55gal Saltwater. Never done coral, just live rock and fish. Had a tank killer come through a couple of years ago and lost my tank. Interest in the hobby went with it. But I've recently been considering getting up and running again. 

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Until the tank crashed, I'd had a saltwater tank up and running for 10 years or so. That last crash really hurt. I lost a lot of money. If I get 9t going again, ill post some pics. 


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Thats the number one reason i dont do salt water its expensive. Rigt now i have about 500 gallons worth of freshwater in 3 setups.

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Nothing fancy or special but I have a 20 gallon tank with some neon tetras, zebra danios, bloodfin tetras, a couple sucker fish and a shrimp ?




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Once upon a time I did. Went from a 20 to a 55 and finally a 75, FW setups. Was just a community tank with a various tetra, Cory, etc. Had a Pleco that I loved. Sold it all when I moved 750 miles across the country. 

Miss it and will start another one someday.

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