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high life update


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  • Fido_le_muet


Apparently the new apartments are just new apartments in buildings that already have apts in them.

Bit disappointed by that but the cars look awesome^^

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Been holding on to my cars, waiting and waiting. another 6 days. grrr

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"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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Been holding on to my cars, waiting and waiting. another 6 days. grrr

Yeah the waiting game is rough.

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2.6 million here. But I need to fill that extra garage with some speed. Guess ill be grinding missions everynight until then.

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Cool, I'll join if I'm online.

Great...I dont need anymore but I enjoy helping out fellow crew mates.

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I might be doing some coveted 16X this weekend...


I'll join too if I see it popping up. Not my favourite thing to do but also only have 1.2 million and really want a tank too. Stealing it takes so much time...

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Warner wants in so that just leaves 2 open spots...yall are lucky I like you so much...HA

I'm sitting at 4.6 millions and if it's only new apartments, I believe it's enough.

10 new cars then you gotta trick em out...clothes and who knows what else.

Its the High Life...everything is gonna cost a lot I bet.

[quote name="Fido_le_muet" post="12304"

Edited by bullittblitz
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Got just over 2 mill so i'm up for some grinding.

Need some rp too so I can get my hands on that minigun!

Just seen there's 5 new contact missions hope they pay decent.

Edited by Rofur13
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Haven't had a look at any of the information for it yet but I can't wait! Time to waste more cash on vehicles.

Only got 500k though so gonna need to do some grinding over the next week!

Edited by SwiiftYz
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I'll be on soon & grinding coveted w/ a tank.  Just need someone to pilot the cargobob (or drive tank) and two floaters (or rotate driving / flying).  


Just an FYI I send out invites after I pick up the tank, so no one has to wait around.

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yeeessss! I have 5 mil and I feel like it's not enough  <_< another weekend of coveted and RR...

Not enough? Geez Louise!  :D

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Depending on the cars you buy...5 mil might not be enough.

I'm odd like that. I'll be perfectly fine without having a full garage as soon as the update comes out.

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I'm odd like that. I'll be perfectly fine without having a full garage as soon as the update comes out.

Me too, it's something to work at over the coming weeks, rather than getting everything on day one and being bored of it by day three.

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Me too, it's something to work at over the coming weeks, rather than getting everything on day one and being bored of it by day three.

This game never bores me..I might be in the minority.

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