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Extra Terrestrials


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The fact that there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, and hundreds of billions of galaxies in our Universe, is proof in itself that when it comes to intelligent life, us humans are far from alone. In fact, it is almost certain that there exists civilizations throughout the Universe which are not just thousands of years advanced beyond our civilization, but millions of years advanced. For me the question is not 'do they exist?', but rather 'have they visited earth, and if so, why?' I believe the answer is a resounding yes, but I do not have any idea why we are being visited.

I have been interested in E.T.'s since the age of 11, when, in 1998, I saw a 'U.F.O.' with my own eyes. It was not some speck way up in the sky. It was very low, and I could see the circular craft with such precision that I still remember it to this day, with its different colored lights around it. The most eerie part of seeing this was that it moved without a sound, like it was some weightless object hovering across the sky.

From that night forward I knew that one of two possibilities had to be true: either there is technology waaaaaay beyond what the public is led to believe (which for a time I believed was the case and that the whole UFO conspiracy was a conspiracy within a conspiracy in order to hide technological advancements from others), or we have been and are being visited. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the case. I also have no doubts that certain circles deep within the security apparatus of the U.S. are well aware of the visitors, and have made every effort to keep this information from the public. Even the supposed 'leader of the free world', the President of the United States, does not have access to this information (Clinton tried getting info in the 90's).

So why are these people with access to such sensitive and valuable information keeping it so secretive you may wonder. I believe it is a number of reasons.

First, the illusion of might and power. If it is revealed that we are, in fact, not alone on our own planet, those who hold the real power in the world will be less mighty and powerful to the people in the face of such power as a species able to travel light years to reach us.

The second reason deals with energy, and the control that the international oil cartel exerts on the planet. It seems to me that extra terrestrial flying machines do not utilize any fossil fuels for power, but rather utilize surrounding energy which it harvests for power. If humanity ever achieved such a feat the oil cartel would be out of business. The current international system of the Petro-Dollar has proved to be immensely profitable for the BP's, Chevron's, and Exxon's of the world. Just take a look at a list of corporations making the largest profits year in and year out.

The third reason for secrecy is the basic idea that these few individuals have access to information no other human beings have access to. Therefore, it is likely these people feel a special privilege in knowing something which a vast amount of humanity does not know, and are unwilling to surrender this privilege by divulging the information.

The forth reason answers another question folks often ask when curious about E.T.'s: if they are here, and have been here, why have they not made their presence known? The answer is that it would be too much of a shock to human society at this point in time. Much of the world still adheres to one religion or another, and the existence of extra terrestrials would likely turn most persons' worldviews on their head. The fact is humanity as a whole may be unready for the humbling news.

So to anyone who cared to read this, thoughts? Comments? Anything to add to this? Any personal experiences to share?

And if you did read this all then I owe you a cookie or muffin or other tasty pastry and thanks for reading. It may be a funny topic to some but I take it very seriously since the implications of such information becoming known fact would be enormous. Thanks again!

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When I try to think of the vastness of the universe and our relative insignificance my head hurts.

I'll take a white choc chip and raspberry cookie please.

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One could say that there must be life elsewhere in the galaxy as surely we can't be the only living planet. Though they're just too far away to make contact. 


On the other hand, we always imagine how things we don't know about will look, so it's all in our imagination.

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I certainly believe there is life elsewhere as far as visiting, I dunno.

I myself have seen something odd twice, aliens, again I dunno.

But I do know that earth isn't nearly as old as the universe or galaxy so the idea that aliens could be thousands or millions years older is plausible. SO if that is true why can't they visit us? How advanced will our tech be in a million years? To say things are impossible isn't right, anything is possible. But I don't see why such an advanced race would be interested in us.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I find this sort of thing fascinating myself.  Growing up, I was deeply into both astronomy and of course, I watched The X-Files from day one until about the end of the fifth season.


I, of course, agree that they do exist--probably more variations than we can mentally comprehend, but as to whether or not they have visited Earth is still up in the air.  Some may argue that we ourselves are the descendants of some ancient extra terrestrial species, but that too is a hotly debated topic.


I continue to view the stories of alien abduction with a sense of skepticism, but I did live in Nevada for a period of time, and I have heard many personal stories from people that I fully trust regarding strange sky objects--especially in and around the area known as Area 51.  As to whether or not they were extra terrestrial in origin is another story, but there is something definitely strange going on around there.


I agree that if they have visited and it is known among a select group of people, the reason it is kept quiet leans more towards reason four that you mentioned.  It would definitely ignite something of a panic, and I'm not so sure that it could be controlled.


Now, going back to this--I don't really buy into the little green men idea so much.  I believe that alien species probably look unlike anything we can ever comprehend due to their own personal evolution in worlds located many light years from our own.  If they have visited, I have doubts as to whether or not they would partake in the voyage themselves, but feel they would most likely send some form of alien robotic technology (some form beyond our human comprehension) to explore the worlds unknown to them.


However, given the size of the universe; I'm not so sure they know or care that we even exist.  We are just a speck in an endless cluster of celestial bodies scattered around.  They may not even be able to survive on air and water, and could very well be adapted to some form of existence that is entirely beyond our comprehension.


I love thinking about this kind of stuff though.

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I'm also sure that we're not alone in the universe. Like you said, it is way too big to have only one small planet with life on it.

It's pretty much a given that there are other things out there.

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll live to witness the confirmation that we're not alone.

As for all the conspiracy theories, I'd love to be proved wrong but I think most of it is just nonsense.

I don't think aliens are in contact with some elite group of individuals working behind the scenes to governe the planet. I'm afraid it's much simpler than that and that we're completely in the dark when it comes to aliens and close encounters of the third kind.

There are however some weird things that happened in the past and that don't have a reasonable explanation.


Anyway, that's a topic I really enjoy and I love reading stuff on the internet about space. It's absolutely fascinating.

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Sometimes i think about this. I believe there is life in another galaxy but, those stories about UFOs is bullshit in my opinion.

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Yeah they found an exoplanet the size of Earth which happend to be in the habitable zone around its star. Basically it's in the right distance from its sun to harbor life. Theoretically.

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Some very thought provoking and interesting responses here no doubt. Very heavy stuff. I see humor in a lot of things and I can't help but think of the movies Men In Black (especially the ending cutscene in the 1st one where it keeps panning out) and bits from a ridiculous show called South Park (guilty pleasure - and the episode "Earth! Cancelled!).


On a serious note I'd have to agree with a lot of what was said especially by Hatch and MLB.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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In regards to the OP, which I assume to be a citation from somewhere else, it just looks like the usual nutcase tin-foil bullshit.


As for alien life, well, statistically speaking, we should obviously expect something analogous to "Earth's life" to exist elsewhere, but when we start humanizing these "creatures" and applying concepts such as "visiting" we're entering the realm of speculative fantasy in my opinion.


What do we define as life? "Just" self-perpetuating organic matter? If that is the case, it should be noted that what we have in Earth is a very delicate balance. A planet with a very specific composition (in terms of chemical elements available), sitting at a very specific distance from it's sun, with a very specific size and mass, etc. Anything slightly different, and I'd argue that whatever would be here would be completely different. A different size, and we'd have totally different gravitational forces shaping the environment (and it's organic beings), a different distance and we'd have totally different temperatures - and most life on Earth requires water to be in liquid form, something which just happens on an extremely tiny and unlikely space of 100 Kelvin degrees in a theoretically infinite scale.


So is there something like this out there? In the unimaginable vastness of the Universe there might be, but why would it be anything resembling us? The Universe may be extremely large, and involve incredibly large numbers, but the likelihood of something like Earth's ecosystems flourishing also lies in unimaginable numbers - incredibly small in this instance. On top of all the (relatively) static conditions on earth, there's time to consider as well. We're but a few seconds in the Solar system's one day lifespan.


Life, perhaps, but wishful thinking to expect them to visit us, I'd say. Why would they develop a nervous system like us? Why would they be multi-cellular? Why would they even be cell-based life forms in the first instance? Why would it happen at the same time? Let's assume all that happens, why would they develop that exquisite and voyeuristic (and human!) instinct to visit us and play hide and seek with us?


I think we're too unique.

Edited by Arruda
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I believe aliens do exist and have visited earth. As it has been stated the human race is not ready for first contact with these beings, I do think it was during the earlier period. My reasoning you ask is a lot of the religions during early times were very similar with the multiple gods for different purposes. The different technology that they had to build pyramids and other wonders we cannot explain or simulate to this day. (Onless DC89 was around?) Sorry back to the point. I

also think our technology is far greater than we are led to believe from what I have heard from what I believe is a reputable source is when you get orders to Area 51 in the Air Force you have to sign paperwork stating you will not talk about what you see there.

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I am less concerned about ET's visiting us as I am concerned about how far behind we are in visiting them.


As a child I expected lightsabers to be real by the year 2000 for sure, as an adult I expected the holo-deck to be invented by now or by 2020 AT THE LATEST for my eastern-european-chick-filled orgies.


But for some reason people are obsessing with crap like solar panels and hybrid cars, and ignoring these crucial leaps in sci-fi technology that would benefit humanity in mind blowing ways.

I believe aliens do exist and have visited earth. As it has been stated the human race is not ready for first contact with these beings, I do think it was during the earlier period. My reasoning you ask is a lot of the religions during early times were very similar with the multiple gods for different purposes. The different technology that they had to build pyramids and other wonders we cannot explain or simulate to this day. (Onless DC89 was around?) Sorry back to the point. I
also think our technology is far greater than we are led to believe from what I have heard from what I believe is a reputable source is when you get orders to Area 51 in the Air Force you have to sign paperwork stating you will not talk about what you see there.


After 12 years in the USAF, I can assure you, they would never let regular military personnel near such a place. We have the loosest lips imaginable.


Oh and you are bound to confidentiality in a great number of things that would surprise you if you knew how un-wow the material was.


Our media culture has greatly distorted the public's perception of the US military. 













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True and after 10+ in the navy I know loose lips sink ships. The guy refuring to was USAF 15 years ago as an air traffic controller. I met him while I was working at the airport where I lived doing the same job.

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Most definitely, we are not alone in the universe -- to think otherwise would be incredibly arrogant!...


I do think that the government knows more then they pretend to know -- and the most justifiable reason of why to keep it a secret is because as mentioned by JKan420 earlier -- not every human being is capable of dealing with this information in a positive way...


And personally, I prefer "The Chocolate Chip Cookie: -- anything else is not worthy!!!

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption...


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True and after 10+ in the navy I know loose lips sink ships. The guy refuring to was USAF 15 years ago as an air traffic controller. I met him while I was working at the airport where I lived doing the same job.

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I took pictures of things I was definitely not supposed to take pictures of for my own personal stash of memorabilia. 

I really hate to come across as bragging but I managed to Forrest Gump my way into some pretty amazing places and times that even I cant believe sometimes when I look back on it all.


The only way to go in the military is the operations side.....that is unless you want a good job after the military, lol.


It always cracks me up to hear some of these people with zero experience in the military cook up some of these really intricate X-files caliber military/government conspiracies, secrets like that would get out so fast. If you want to keep something secret, you have to make it as boring and uninteresting as hell.

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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