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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary 6#: Paragon and Renegade


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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary



"Dreaming in digital

Living in real time

Thinking in binary

Talking in melody"


i bet my Sabre Turbo that no one here likes Hackers, and i cant really complain, they have been making our lives a bit harder in los santos in everyway possible, i have been killed by a guy with godmode on him and his car, i have been teleported otherside of the map and my car to otherside, there have been walls blocking my way in garage and list goes on and on, its a shame that people who have these kinds of talents use them to do harm and to take advance on players, i see no fairplay or honor in this, if you get more points than others by hacking wheres the challence? the point?, maybe im old fashioned hacker who has some sort of honor code or something..

yes i am a hacker, but have you seen me overpower you in DM? Nope, i get my butt handed to me in a silver plate faster than i can say tuna salad, have you seen me winning non-stop in racing? Nope, i crash im too slow and so on, so why is this?

cause i honor the fairplay, i have done few "bad things" in my life in the name of fun or few LOL`s




i never cheat, hack etc in multiplayer or anything that involves me playing with others etc, or when there is achievements to have and never did nothing that caused any harm to people, hell i might hack into my own wifi just for kicks or modify my ps3 so it thinks its a nintendo just for fun (and cause i can)

but it never crosses my mind to cheat or hack in any kind of multiplayer, mmo, co-op, etc

the whole idea itself irratates, annoys and revolts me


i see no harm lets say for example: you are on your own server where no one can get to and you screw around with the game mechanics, but i see harm and dishonesty when you bring those hacks on public servers and troll people or gain unfair points kills whatever, thats just WRONG and do i even have to tell why? i dont think so, i think anybody in XDBX is mature enough to tell the difference between right and seriously wrong..


and like always i ask you my XDBX bro`s and Sisters..

what are your thoughts?

what cheaters you have witnessed?

What Kind Of Impact that have had on your gameplay?

:) Share Your Comments :)

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I've only ever encountered one, they killed me in my garage. If they did that to annoy me, it didn't work.

As for modding/glitching/hacking, as long as it doesn't directly affect me then it's ok.

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I've only ever encountered one, they killed me in my garage. If they did that to annoy me, it didn't work.

As for modding/glitching/hacking, as long as it doesn't directly affect me then it's ok.

...your avatar haunts me.. just cant get over that face..it just forces me to giggle like teenager everytime is see it xD

and oh yeah good first comment by the way ^^

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I've had two garage killers, a guy in god mode and in a TDM had molotov bullets fired at me.


I did appreciate the 900 million I was given over Christmas though  :lol:

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I've had two garage killers, a guy in god mode and in a TDM had molotov bullets fired at me.


I did appreciate the 900 million I was given over Christmas though  :lol:

900 Million!... *talking to his Sabre Turbo* Bad news Emma, I'm afraid that your position as my closest and dearest companion is being replaced by her *pointing Dani_elle92*, Oh What am i saying! Emma is worth more than that!

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Ever since the billionaire bounty days and money sharing in December, I decided FR wasn't the best place to be anymore. I got my money taken away. I was shot to the Cheater's Pool for literally 20 minutes and sent off to LS again. At that point I knew this game had a long future ahead of it of shitty people doing shitty things for shitty reasons. Who'd a thunk that the minority of players could cascade a presence that would greatly impact the gameplay and mentality of the community as a whole? I should of expected it. These games are a breeding ground for dishonest and bad people.


So I can't say I've ever encountered any of these modders nor have I partaken in any of the hosted DNS servers. I'll be honest, the days of money gifting and outrageous bounties had a lot of people as being "thankful". I had earned my money at that point, I was content and interested in making more for what I wanted. The majority don't seem to realize or know or even care that that really zapped the long trudge from point A to point B. What I mean is the process to earn things immediately stripped away. That process we call "jobs" in GTA added a layer of immersion and a sense of accomplishment when you had finally made enough to purchase that car or that buzzard or that apartment. The fun factor is suddenly crippled as that item is literally dumped right in your lap. For me I was really disappointed and it set me back further than where I was previously. I say that because I like to play honestly and that ruined matters for me personally. I don't play to find loopholes or to exploit them. I don't play for the path of least resistance. I want to make the most of this game and enjoy the process because that's what everything is here, a process. Now am I completely pure or am I slightly jaded? I'll admit I have the Buffalo Mk 2 and a Cargobob. Does that make me a bad? Who knows. That gets me into the next part of something I'd like to discuss.


We all know modders exploit the hell out of this game for their own selfish gain, which consciously is also to ruin the game for others. These are your "god mode" or "rapid speed rapid fire tank" players. They're trash and feel comfortable doing what they do behind a screen with no real confrontation of any kind, unless they cross the wrong path of someone more skilled or more dangerous with code and programming. Then we have your "glitchers" who also like to exploit loopholes in the game's code to further their own means unfairly. These are your "SP 2 MP" car glitchers who then sell them fully modded from SP to make a huge profit. It's not as menacing as say modders in general as cash is strictly attached to them but it's still an unfair advantage none the less.


So I want to get to the point where, for me, there's a line of "acceptability" here because not everyone in both categories are purely bad. The modders that are interested in harmless things that do not affect the game play of anyone else negatively in any way are "alright". I mean those people that purely tamper with textures and skins. These are the folks that make themselves look like members of NOOSE, or an alien or an animal but are still completely subject to the laws of gameplay (can be killed). They're fine. The glitchers that SP 2 MP a Buffalo Mk 2 for themselves to keep because it's unobtainable in MP otherwise or brought a Lifeguard Blazer in for someone to have - they're fine as well IMO. It doesn't negatively impact anyone else's fun or gameplay other than "cool vehicle".


People like to push the limit and ever so dangerously flirt with that defining edge, going further when they can. It becomes a problem for me and the community at large when you try to exploit or alter game code in a way that affects others in a negative way. If you want to tamper with things by yourself with no one around, that's something I have no issue with.



Edited by G37
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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I've delt with quite a few god mode players, eventually I can make my way to my tank then it is fun time. Chasing the god mods down, smackn them around with the barrel and parking on them till they die, do it enough and they will rage quit.

Had the garage spawn issue once, I ended up leaving the lobby.

As far as the money goes, I had billions given to me, bought everything and while it did take out some things for me as mentioned above, it did allow me to enjoy other aspects I wouldn't have tried, before the money I raced little and never DM'ed cuz I thought I had to grind missions to get what I want.

I myself have glitched, minor glitch but still cheating, I did the trick to get the cargobob and hotknife.

There are glitchers and modders in the crew, I have no issue with who does what as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on the crew or me.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I've delt with quite a few god mode players, eventually I can make my way to my tank then it is fun time. Chasing the god mods down, smackn them around with the barrel and parking on them till they die, do it enough and they will rage quit.

Had the garage spawn issue once, I ended up leaving the lobby.

As far as the money goes, I had billions given to me, bought everything and while it did take out some things for me as mentioned above, it did allow me to enjoy other aspects I wouldn't have tried, before the money I raced little and never DM'ed cuz I thought I had to grind missions to get what I want.

I myself have glitched, minor glitch but still cheating, I did the trick to get the cargobob and hotknife.

There are glitchers and modders in the crew, I have no issue with who does what as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on the crew or me.


Soooo no clown car spawns on your garage and no rivers of pi$$washer hacks on crew meetings..Check

hmmm but if i code this right i might *gets a look from boss* *raises his hands* ok ok ok no shenanigans check

cross my heart and hope somebody else takes the fall..*thinking*..i think i said it right?..*shrugs*..english..its confusing language

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I've been lucky enough not to have had my gaming ruined by a hacker. But then again, I tend to keep myself busy knowing these clowns will be clogging up freemode.

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I've been lucky enough not to have had my gaming ruined by a hacker. But then again, I tend to keep myself busy knowing these clowns will be clogging up freemode.

you have been very lucky, i usually hang out in closed sessions, im staying away like its the plaque or something....well it is actually

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