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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary 5#: UPDATEZ, PLZ THX BYE!1


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Matusware`s Los Santos Diary



i have been doing some updates and trying to keep up with everything, i have that video project and my "secondary script writer" cant join me this weekend so it will go on next weekend when i can get started, then theres real life things that takes my time now and also im having some sort of flu, last night i was keeping my mate up to speed what has been happening in crew and searching updates for the new high life DLC, i was reading comments and in some point some dude cryed out that if new DLC dosent come he will stop playing gta online cause it dosent have Enough Content and some other hero of the forums started ranting about how bad DLC`s are and he will stop playing GTA online too and so on and so on


"well that escalated quickly" i thought


so as i was trying to get all the things done and update something to XDBX forums and trying to get that Racing Guide Done

i was thinking all of this Update / DLC things..


i dont care that they only bring a little new things with DLC`S, ofc i would love to see more but why do i fail to care?

well cause i dont pay anything for playing gta and i get DLC`s for free, if they added lets say 10 bucks on two cars DLC i would be so quickly to get em, but as they are free i dont really care, rockstar is making DLC`s for free and thats a rare thing to have in games today, if they have to take a bit more time to release it? sure why not, again im not paying anything, sometimes when some game developers publish some DLC`s like new gun skin for 5 bucks im usually thinking: "5 Dollars?..really?", no matter if its my favorite game or not im always thinking is is worth it?, if DLC`s adds more gameplay on the game then im buying it or if it adds somethig usefull and fun etc but im not buying just skins and funny logos ^^, Example i got all Deus Ex Human Revolution "DLC`s" cause they add someting on the game a bit more content that i can play with hours and hours, but as i am fan of Hitman series i didnt want any of em Absolution DLC`s.. new guns to mode that i dont really use...nah, if they added someting on the hitman story mode? HERE TAKE MY MONEYZ! ;D



What You Think About The DLC`s Or Update`s - Share Your Thouhts


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Some of the gta DLC isn't to my taste but as you say, it's free so I'm never gonna knock it. There are 637 things I'd like to see as DLC for gta but as I'm not employed by r*, most of it won't happen. I would never stop playing because the DLC is not what I wanted, or even if updates stopped altogether. The game is what you make it and who you play it with.

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As long as it is free to download I will wait as long as it takes. I dont pay for downloads 99 percent of the time. I already spent 60 on the game so as long as its not gamebreaking new material I don't want to give them more money than I already have.

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I have no issue with the DLC content that has come our way so far. There are some things I would like to see but if they never come I will continue to play. If there is a paid DLC that comes out I will most likely buy it but it should be better than the freebies.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I'll take whatever they offer and run with it. It's not the reason I started playing and it's certainly not going to be the reason to keep me playing. It's a nice thoughtful gesture, nothing more and nothing less to me.


I'd be more interested in substance (Creators are examples of this) than content because all these cars and clothes are just trivial things to me.


I will say the Jester is the best thing to be added "thing-wise" to this game yet though.

Edited by G37
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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I've enjoyed the DLC so far even though it hasn't always been what I or the community have wanted.


I think too many GTAO players demand too much from R*, it's as though buying the game somehow makes them entitled to have the things they demand, then when they don't get their way the first thing to do is bad mouth R* while playing GTAO using the free DLC which was apparently shit   :unsure:.


I say be happy that the DLC has been free but I still have no problem with paying because I'm a huge fan of R* and the GTA series. The time I spend in game, money I spend on cash cards (even though I'm flush and have nothing that I want to buy) and the amount of times I have repurchased this game since release shows that.

Edited by DavidCore89
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I'm quite content with what's been offered for free so far. I really like the new weapons from the Business Update as the Special Carbine is probably my favorite gun that I have.


I also really like the cars and own both the Jester and Turismo and it was nice that they added a good super that is cheaper than the Adder/Entity/Cheeta. I didn't get any vehicles from the Beach Bum update as none of them interested me.


I have to say it's nice that R* is able to give out this stuff for free and I would like to think that the Shark Cards are the reason for this.

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