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Hi Crew Domestic Battery, Smurf here from the island of Jamaica. I was looking for a active crew with a brotherhood mentality to play GTA V with and came across you guys crew and hoping to have a blast. I have a mic but I am still not sure it works, anyways guys I hope you consider me as a prospect and have a great day.

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Welcome, I sent you a crew invite

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Once you accept the invite I will get your forum status upgraded, I will be away from the computer for a bit so it might take a bit.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Welcome to the crew, smurf. Hope you enjoy what the crew has to offer. No worries on the mic, we have quite a few members that either don't have one or chose not to use them. There are other ways to communicate here on the forum while playing that many use.


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Hello and welcome Smurf. You weren't being followed by Gargamel, right? Haha. I'll see you around

i see what you did there, thanks for the welcome, would have beer with you guys in GTA any day.
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Domestic Battery's loving wings envelop the world country by country.

You came to the right place. Welcome.

When did you move to 1960's San Francisco?


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