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Video Project, Help Wanted, (DEAD LINE: 13.4.2014)


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Video Project

-making member request to come true-



What is this all about

welcome you, who ever you are, when i told that i will have a capturing device one crew member made a request (actually it was a joke but hey never give mad man ideas) to make a video called BISQUIT ADVENTURE! (actually i made that adventure thing up, sue me)

video will have finnish language in it (as request demands it) and also english so this will be a hard one to control,

film will be mainly a quest for finding bisquits in los santos and on that epic quest there will be chaos and mayhem

also bit of an story...well..very odd story but anyways, main idea is just gather bit of crew members and do something silly ^^


So those who want to help out and be a part of that project please PM me


but before you do theres more details below


What I Need

*i need a people to do random encounters example: blowing things up while "actors" are passing by

*Actors to do small tasks, example: acting as rival crew members or security guards or just regular people

*people who knows how to fly, drive, parachute etc



What Are The Requirements

*Mic that is set to *ON* (headset) and you are willing to communicate with me / others

*you can do as your are told without any hazzle

*silly attidute ^^ (insanity will also do)

*teamwork there is no room for solo things


How will this work? im a differend timezone than you!

i will not do this at once, i will shoot differend scenes in differend times, this depends on when people are in online

this is just cause the differend timezones so that i will not have problem on my hands

 the end i will just gather everything up and make some movie magic! ;D

and presto! it will come out as we all were at it at the same time




This "job offer" will end in 13.4.2014 and after that i will just work on what i have and with those who have signed in if you are too late for signing in then you are shit out of luck, Video Making will start somewhere after 14.4.2014

of course everyone who helped, joined as help crew, actors and so on will get their names on the end titles and so on


So if you still think you want to join up PM me (DO NOT SEND ME MAIL ON PSN ABOUT THIS)


Thank You




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I will jump in, I will video as well. Email you the vid and perhaps you can edit them together into one.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Will be in, just need the date to be messaged to me in advance as I've not played much this week but can log on at any time for specific events.

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i'm in. i can blow shit up

i know you can, after that freeroam session i wanted you on to this project ^^ i need you and your tank to be ready for some serious chaos ^^

good to have you aboard


I will jump in, I will video as well. Email you the vid and perhaps you can edit them together into one.

only problem this has that your hardware records very differendly than mine, *BUT* i can edit it to look like a christmas postcard ^^, so *yes* we shall do some multi angle things.. so yes you are in sir boss


Will be in, just need the date to be messaged to me in advance as I've not played much this week but can log on at any time for specific events.

after the deadline we will start doing this, i will contact everybody one by one and tell what they need to do and discuss when they have time and so on, so no worries, i will send you a PM on forums so you know when things are about to happen and thanks for joining this



Update: 8 people have allready joined up, WOOOOO!, that means i have bigger crew that i was hoping, bigger crew = more things ^^

Edited by Matusware
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UPDATE #2: 5.4.2014 almost Midnight:

Sound Test Was Total Disaster, Video test with multiple people (me, thepeto, jykke71) were success so now i know more about how things work and what i want people to do..still i need someone who dosent speak finn and who speaks only eng on video test, sound worked but voice track wasnt there..

we also lost audio just before the start, then we had audio back and after that my beard almost turned to gray cause the pinnacle software just kicked the bucket and died on me, after little "kickstart" things went pretty well except that damn audio feed..


but i have still time to fix this until the deadline ^^

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UPDATE: 6.4.2014, again sound test was failure..again..i know how to fix this, im gonna do something about it on monday maybe, video test worked thanks to Sk8erFish, our testing went from test to 4hr rampage against cops but hey it was still success ^^, 11 people are in this project, Holy Moly!

everybody really want to help out, well theres domestic battery for ya  ^^

maybe i will start making few things and maybe shoot few scenes before the deadline so we i dont have so much to edit

also i need to find a right music.. thanks to al that copyright shit and youtube crap finding a good tunes is a real hardball

Work Work Work

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UPDATE: 12.4.2014

sounds are still crap but this project will continue

so far these fine people have joined:


i lost few :(


if your name dosent pop up here please contact me,

this is the last day and project starts in 14.4

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE 26.4.2014

Project has kickstarted, with few minor problems the very first scenes are made on this weekend

took me time to get ideas in place and now i believe it is good time to start, so here we go


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UPDATE 28.4.2014 Answering Question and Stuff


im gonna tell you a short version MightyM: Story tells a tale about simple task that dosent go as planned,


after i get this done i will make a teaser or trailer from it, but whats happening thus far

not much :((

reason is by week is full of stuff i need to do, 29.4 - 30.4 i have Theory Exam (first day is preparing to it), 5.5 i have my Final Track Test aand between 5.5 to 9.5 theres the Track Exam and between those days are everything possible that real life requires from me xD but i try to squeeeeeeeezeh as much as i can to the weekends, i have been doing scripts and so on and trying to figure where to i put everything and how, after my final exams i will have spare time ^^, when i started this i wasnt counting that my real life would chew up so much of my free time but it has... but hey things are still rolling no matter of little "delays" and "Backfires" im gonna update soon as i have something more to say than "Hi" XD

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If you need a introduction for your movie let me know!


I mean a short intro like this one for example: youtube.com/watch?v=MRF2h-I6a84

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well i need a Intro for my Videos, text that says "Matusware" will do...With Flames! and Explosions! and and Skulls! and Chains! and and Squirrel with a Shotgun! and

With Hard Rock Music! and Worn Out Fin Flag on the Background! YEAH! B)




that..would be awesome

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Is it still to late? I have editing equipment and a capture card as well

i was about to say YES but i have lost few volunteers cause they have small case of BANNED, so NO its not too late..

welcome aboard..

like everyone else i will contact you via PM when time comes, and be patient, im having real life things that are eating my free time

so things are going bit too slow (for now)

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What is a Worn Out Fin Flag? Could you get me an image that I can project on the flag? Doesn't have to be worn out.




Where do you want the explosion to start and all? And are you uploading videos in HQ? Could you give me a resolution?


And maybe we should arrange all of this in personal messages, otherwise this topic is filled soon :)


And a moving squirl would take me a couple of days to make lol!

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Nice work

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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What is a Worn Out Fin Flag? Could you get me an image that I can project on the flag? Doesn't have to be worn out.




Where do you want the explosion to start and all? And are you uploading videos in HQ? Could you give me a resolution?


And maybe we should arrange all of this in personal messages, otherwise this topic is filled soon :)


And a moving squirl would take me a couple of days to make lol!

First Explosions, then Skulls Then Name and Chains on "M" and "E" and the last the Squirl behind the text

and yes i am uploading everything on 720p (atleast) but usually 1080p

personal messaging is soooo overrated, *epic voice* let the topic be filled! xD

i know that making moving squirl from nothing is pain in the bum to make xD


Fin Flag that is worn out like this:


and font something like Diploma like this:


aaaaand so i dont sound completely ass, very nice work thus far mate ^^ *thumps up*

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