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Crew logo locations


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How can you get the crew logo on the front of your clothing (T-shirt)? Also, same with the side of your car? I can only get it placed on the hood. Thanks for any help

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Didn't know that. I like the white tee, so I threw the crew emblem on that and it is a larger font that looks cool.


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If you go to any clothes store you should have the option to have the crew logo on the front or back of your shirt. Car placement depends on the car.


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A few cars don't take them at all. Very few though, Bifta is on of them.

I am not 100% certain, but isn't the shirt placement rank dependent? I know for quite the while in my old crew only being able to put it on the back. Then I could do front way later. Maybe I am wrong though

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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You think we could change the logo to a color that has a better contrast on the crew's blue? It can barely be seen in the cars, and it's a good looking logo.

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