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Solo Public Sessions


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If you hate randoms blowing the shit out of you precious cargo as much as I do, here's a juicy little tip... (no, not in rude way)

Until now I have been using low mtu to get solo public sessions but this had a major drawback. 

People couldn't join you and if they could it would be horrifically laggy and glitchy. 

Well that is now a thing of the past!

keep your mtu and sociability right up there by simply changing the month on your PS4. 


Thats right, all you need to do is join a public session, press the ps button and head to your settings. Go to adjust time and date and manually set it one month ahead. 

Confirm this setting and return to game. The will appear as if it has crashed for 10 or so seconds but then everyone will leave and gaming can commence. 

Do not touch any buttons when it looks like it has crashed as it can make you actually crash, just be patient. 

You can then change the date back or just leave it (it will right itself on console restart anyway)

With this method, your friends can join and you can freely go about your biker or CEO business in peace. 

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I tried this but it didn't always work (1 out of 4 times worked). Maybe I was touching something on the game pad when I got back into game, not sure? Anyway I found a guide that described this but also said once back in game immediately go back and change the date to the correct month, then return to game again, and that worked. But I have only tried that extra step once, so who knows if that was luck or not.

My best strategy at the moment for finding a safe public session is just to join whichever one Braldy, Xyon or Nicola are in.


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Are you pressing the X button after changing the month? If you don't it won't save the change. 


Its odd, I have a 100% success rate using this method. I'd be interested to know if it works every time for others or just sometimes. 


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3 hours ago, ScottyB said:

@no_snacks LOL #FastInternetProblems

Haha.   Yeah, I feel real sorry for those poor bastards with their shitty 100mbs download speeds.  How do they cope? :lol:

If you guys want a solo public lobby, just join on me - the lobby splits - we're both now in an empty lobby - someone else can join on me - the lobby splits again - rinse - repeat.  It's my special gift to the crew. :D

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9 minutes ago, no_snacks said:

Haha.   Yeah, I feel real sorry for those poor bastards with their shitty 100mbs download speeds.  How do they cope? :lol:

If you guys want a solo public lobby, just join on me - the lobby splits - we're both now in an empty lobby - someone else can join on me - the lobby splits again - rinse - repeat.  It's my special gift to the crew. :D

And we appreciate it snacks.

Edited by starmonkeykiller
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19 hours ago, Matty said:

Are you pressing the X button after changing the month? If you don't it won't save the change. 


Its odd, I have a 100% success rate using this method. I'd be interested to know if it works every time for others or just sometimes. 

I must have been pressing something on the controller. It's worked a couple of times now exactly as you described it.

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Works for me every time, been doing it for quite a long time as well, but pressing buttons while the game is frozen will also crash your PS4.

After everyone leaves, then go back and set the right date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for that bit of information. I've always set the MTU to 800, then when my friend(s) joined, I would set it back to 1500 and rejoin them. We'd have the lobby all to ourselves, no randoms popping in at all.

I'll give this method a try. It's always nice to be able to get MC, VIP or CEO stuff done without randoms bothering you.

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It's still not working all the time for me and I'm being very careful not to press anything once the screen freezes. Sometimes it goes wrong because the game crashes, sometimes just nothing happens at all. It does work more than it fails though, so that's the main thing.

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This sounds like a great solution. I'm also fed up with randoms who are using heavy shit to blow you off the grid while you try to make a living... ;)

So this method, you have to use it at each start up only or also when you joint a session of a friend/member and go back to your own lobby?

And what do you mean by MTU? (sorry for any silly questions by my person). Thanks!

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On 10/18/2016 at 10:07 AM, djw180 said:


My best strategy at the moment for finding a safe public session is just to join whichever one Braldy, Xyon or Nicola are in.


Best strategy there is. The more players in a session the better. The game awards delivery bonuses dependent upon how many are in a session with you. The bonus can get pretty big so as many crew than can get together should.

Of course that opens up connection issues for some and they have no choice

Great work, R*

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  • 2 months later...
5 minutes ago, PapOiteE said:

Yeah this works 100%.

But three minutes later there is people joining my session.

Try switching to offline status, that's what I do and I can't remember the last time people joined.

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It still doesn't work all the time for me. I can get a blue "loading" screen and have to re-start the PS4. When it works I don't usually get anyone else joining (other than friends and crew) but it can happen and once one random is in  you usually get more.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Another method that DC mentioned in shoutbox is one that I've been using with 100% success. I like this method because I don't have to change any settings on the PS4 or my router. 

1. Make a playlist with 1 short race, prefferably near your Office, Clubhouse or wherever you want to end up. 

2. Launch playlist in public session, set to 1 lap and don't let anyone join.

3. When the playlist ends select Restart.

4. When you get back to the lobby screen select Quit. TA-DA!! Solo public session.

I would guess it takes 7-10 minutes to make your session this way. Eventually they get invaded by others but it takes a while. I find the mindless fetching of crates to be relaxing. I have 1 small warehouse, collect 2 crates at a time and always sell a half warehouse during daylight hours. I know it's not the most efficient grind but it's low risk and very chill. B)

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8 minutes ago, Beez said:

Another method that DC mentioned in shoutbox is one that I've been using with 100% success. I like this method because I don't have to change any settings on the PS4 or my router. 

1. Make a playlist with 1 short race, prefferably near your Office, Clubhouse or wherever you want to end up. 

2. Launch playlist in public session, set to 1 lap and don't let anyone join.

3. When the playlist ends select Restart.

4. When you get back to the lobby screen select Quit. TA-DA!! Solo public session.

I would guess it takes 7-10 minutes to make your session this way. Eventually they get invaded by others but it takes a while. I find the mindless fetching of crates to be relaxing. I have 1 small warehouse, collect 2 crates at a time and always sell a half warehouse during daylight hours. I know it's not the most efficient grind but it's low risk and very chill. B)

Works for me everytime. Just pay attention in case someone joins. I was so immersed into delivering cars that didnt even notice a random chasing me and eventually blowing me up. :lol:

I think you can increase your chances of no randoms joining if you set your PSN status to Show Offline (or whatever it's called).

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