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Rainbow Road Wii


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good race, not to hard but the hidden boosts can throw the braking points of in my head. Me and @DavidCore89 had a few close calls, tempting to put him in the wall that isn't there and drive on :P

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I drove off the edge at least 20 times (think everyone did). Sometimes my fault and sometimes the boosts fault.

Think stock compacts (as per the job description) would work better. Would be easier to keep them on the road.

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I like the track my bad on having customs on didn't realize it was meant for stock. The boosts under track did throw me off a little just had to take the course a little cautiously great job

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Not a fan of this. The hidden boosts really mess you up. Troll factor high in this race. I know it's supposed to be based on an existing track but it felt like the course is designed just to throw people off.

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