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Nice track. Feels "stunty" and Beautiful scenery below it.


Really enjoyed it with the Supers and  Sports, no jump was overdone. I think the only problem might be the exit of the second tunnel, in which I think the majority of first timers will go flying, as your instinct is to go sideways in that section of the tunnel. No issue after you know it, it's just that the rest of the track felt perfect at the first attempt and I think that section will cause some people to get annoyed. The exit from the first tunnel feels perfect.


You might want to remove the slower classes of cars. No way I can clear the big jump in a stock dilettante and I'm sure there's faster cars that will be unable to do it as well. Going to try with a couple more classes like muscle, stock sports, etc.

Edited by Arruda
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Sabre Turbo custom can't clear it either so I guess the race should be locked to Sports and Super, and perhaps motorbikes (haven't tried them yet).

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8 minutes ago, truelife98 said:

Will be added to tonight's Playlist 

Well, I better get busy then.

After racing it in custom vehicles, I feel it needs some serious tweaking. I'll take care of that and have it ready for tonight.

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16 minutes ago, DeaD_GooN said:

Well, I better get busy then.

After racing it in custom vehicles, I feel it needs some serious tweaking. I'll take care of that and have it ready for tonight.

Just let me know if you don't have the time I can always remove it. 

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I don't know if it needs that much serious tweaking. Just needs to be run in fast cars - like most of these races - and a small tweak on the exit of the second tube. Of course, never having loaded the creator myself I don't know how hard that is :D

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Very fun race :D. There is one minor issue I had last night though. Just before you get to the finish line, when you are transitioning from the wallride quarter pipes to the flat track, there is an uneven prop that creates a lip for your car to hit. It should be a quick fix to raise the prop or tilt it slightly to smooth out the transition. Keep up the good work Goon.

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