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Primary route certainly seems quicker, although I didn't time it.

Tree sticking through the track stopped me dead :lol:

Perhaps add some obstacles (footballs, bowling pins, etc) to the sections of track where players go back onto the runway?

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Ok. I know the area you are talking about. I can fix that too. It just never do it in the creator to me, so I didn't worry about it. 


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Good race

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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Polished a couple of areas. Still a bit more to go. I'm gonna restructure the whole final straight an turn for the Secondary route. 


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I took the right path 2x and the left 2x and left was faster. I drove through part of a tree not sure if the same one as DC but it never bothered my car. Overall good race.

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Just now, Dodge said:

The paths have been equalized a bit. Gonna change the CP style in the tunnel. 

The paths seemed very evenly matched last night.

A group took either side and met at the start/finish straight with a similar gap.

Looking forward to checking it out again. 

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