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Jalj's Not-In-Order-Always-Changing Top 10 - Bimonthly List #1: Nintendo Games!

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Jalj's Not-In-Order-Always-Changing Top 10

List Number 1:

Nintendo Video Games!

Welcome to the first ever Jalj's Not-in-order-always-changing-top-10! I figured i can't be calling myself the so called resident list maker while not actively making list for everyone to see. Yet while i do keep busy making lists to myself and always trying to get others to list their favorite things, I have never done anything like this. I am planning on starting my very own entertainment podcast in the new few weeks and i thought it wouldn't be bad to actually start putting my list out there for others to see as well as getting input from other people to see what they like so i can have content for my podcast once it gets going!

So heres how this is going to work, im going to post my favorite things in a list of top 10. While the list will be numbered from 1 to 10, unless specified, the lists will not be in order. Sure I could just list them in order from my favorite to least but that means my list wont be any different from other peoples "top 10" and to be honest I don't feel like choosing which is best over another, its hard enough choosing just 10 things :D. That is another thing too, this is MY TOP 10, i know i might put things on here that others will not agree but as human beings are we not entitled to have opinions different from others? Thats where the real fun is!

I will add a brief description to the things I list as well as why i think they deserve to be in my top 10 and I ask those who read my blog to add their own top 10 because i am very interested in seeing what you guys have to say! Thats the "always changing part" So lets get started with:

Nintendo's Top 10 Video Games

As a fanboy of nintendo since the early age of 4, I got my start on the NES. My mother always tells me stories about how I would play games and get so mad that I would lose, of course being so young i only have a few memories of said incidents and I still think its funny i would even get started playing video games at such a young age. I lived with my aunt who had an older son, he was 15 when i was 4 and on some occasions he would be "gracious" enough to let me play. My mother eventually saw how much joy i got out of it and bought me my own NES. The Snes followed after that and then the 64 but when the gamecube came out, i found myself at a peculiar place. I didn't want the gamecube. I saw the PS1 and the Xbox and i really saw an inferior machine. So i jumped ship and went and got my xbox. While i skipped out on the gamecube, i still played plenty of gameboy color and found my way back to the wii and wii u as I was no an adult and could afford to buy myself all the gaming machines i wanted. Nintendo has offered me a crazy amount of gaming hours and for that, I will always be a proud NINTENDO FANBOY. However the companies latest decisions have really left me feeling well...bad. I gave them this money in the hopes that they would be able to deliver these great games and while some of them have been very good, I still know that they are a full generation behind Sony and Microsoft. It really is sad because at one point in my life you could of never gotten me to play anything but a nintendo, yet here i am now, a sony customer lol. Theres been a lot of games released in my lifetime by nintendo that are worthy of being on this top 10 so it was only right this would be the first list. This list will cover as much as i possible can but you know...im sure to leave out many very great, great games. So i present you, my top 10.

1. Legend Of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (N64)
Ok first of lets just get this out of the way. WHAT A FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!! This is the first "hardcore" game i ever finished. I consider it "hardcore" because up until this game came out i was playing pokemon, mario games etc. Games that were linear and went from A to B to C etc. This game while not being a true open sandbox, did give you alot to explore and boy did i explore. The fun of going around and visiting house to house and kicking chickens was more than my young self could handle. I remember playing this game and getting stuck and going to school the next day to ask my "nerdy" friends how they passed that pesky water level. From beginning to end, i LOVED this game and to this day theres not a day i cant hear Navi yelling "LISTEN!" whenever some says "listen".

2. Pokemon:Gold and Silver (GBC)
Let me tell you how much i loved this game. I bought both versions even though they were the same FUCKING GAME. Sure one had one pokemon that one didnt but for the most part it was the same game. Yet im sure i spent well over 100 hours on the game. TWICE. I even bought a strategy guide for this game, everyone knew me as the "pokemon guru" i cant even begin to tell you how many friends would call me at my house just to ask me "hey how do i make so and so appear". I actually had a group of friends and the only reason we hanged out was because of this game. I dont play pokemon games like i used to with Pokemon Black being the last one i played but i cant begin to tell you how exciting it was to have second generation pokemon. RIP JALJ'S gameboy color

3. Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
So at a young age i remember playing NES yet the only game i could still play today and tell you all the secrets to is Mario Bros 3. Mario bros 1 was fun but i dont even think i ever beat it! Number 2 i did beat yet for being a copy of another game i still don't consider it a "real" mario game. Yet Super Mario Bros 3! Wow! The characters, the levels, the fun! I spent quite a number of hours on this game, so much so that i actually got a few of my aunts to play this game because they would babysit me and watch me play it, then they would want to play it lol. One of my aunts to this day is a hardcore fanatic of just this game and this game only. One year for my birthday, all i got was Mario Bros 3 stuff because everyone was so convinced this was my only true love as a kid. The whole idea of the game is kind of mysterious too...youre under the assumption that everything is like a play or an act that would of made a better movie than that one with John Leguizamo. (Hey at least he was funny in that "the pest" movie).

4. Megaman X (SNES)
Sure i had played megaman before this SNES version came out yet i didn't like them. Why? BECAUSE THEY WERE SO HARD. I dont think i ever beat a level on the original megaman games yet when this game came out, i remember seeing my cousin play it and i was blown away by the graphics which seemed so much more detailed and colorful than the other megaman games but most importantly i fell in love with the soundtrack. To this day i still consider this games soundtrack on the very very very old snes system to be one of the very best Nintendo had to offer at the time. Playing this game and eventually beating it took alot of patience and memorization, so much so you could put the game in front of me today and i could beat if for you in a few hours (smoke breaks and potty breaks). Megaman would again impress me with Megaman Legends but thats a different console, a different game. Seriously though look up that OST.

5. Super Mario 64 (N64)
Oh so you just bought your N64. Very nice, oh here, heres a free game with the purchase, don't worry its only just one of the best games to have ever been made. Sure other games wont be able to live up to it and this game will single handedly change all 3D platformers to come, so much so that future mario games are just simply going to be feeble attempts of recreating the magic this game creates by going from 2D to 3D. But also try not to listen to all those crazy rumors about luigi and yoshi being included in the game. Oh who am i kidding this is 1996, you dont have internet access so you'll forever hold these notions of this game being so much more mystical than really it is even when you're a full grown adult. Enjoy. (I can beat this game in 20 minutes and so can you, google it lol)

6. Super Smash Bros for Wii U (Wii U)
Yeah ok, i get it, super smash bros on the 64 was super fun and different, a must have they said, and well brawl and melee improved in that formula. Yet i can still clearly stand by Super Smash bros for the Wii U because of one reason...its tight. Its not tight as in "its cool" or "it fits tightly" but because the developers knew what people wanted and they were able to make this into one of the easiest games to learn yet hard to master, instead of adding more game modes or changing the formula they went back and just fixed all those problems people had with the previous games. It sound crazy but it worked. Ive played this game for both the WII U and 3DS and i can say with confidence that it is alot of fun and must have for any fighting game fan.

7. Super Mario Kart 64 (N64)
So yeah i could of gone the other way and picked Mario kart 8 but....none of my friends play it. Super Smash for the Wii U has alot of content, enough where i could play with the AI and totally forget that more people could join in. Yet for Mario Kart 8 thats not enough. What i remember about Mario kart and it being the funnest was playing with your friends, racing 4 at a time and just enjoying the simple and fun controls. Mario Kart 8 is a vast improvement over ALL mario karts yet Super Mario 64 is the one game i wish i could still be playing with my friends like used to. Ah...to be old.

8. Super Mario World (SNES)
This game is often overlooked because it wasn't necessarily as groundbreaking as Mario 64 or the original Super Mario Bros, yet ask anyone who played this game and they can tell you how fun it was. Oh and theres also YOSHI!. This game felt like the first game where everything was perfect. Some games you go back to and that feeling of boredom quickly hits you. As we get more and more games with more advanced graphics and control this game still remains one of my favorites. Heck i consider this to be the best platformer of all time. And not just because of Yoshi but because it truly did create the first Mario Game where the gameplay was as fun and tricky as it was exhilarating.

9. Super Mario Galaxy
So i was living in Humboldt Ca when this game came out. I was going to college and i had finals week. I remember being so worried about a biology final i had that i studied all night. When morning came and i took the test i went home only to realize i was still riding a pretty good high of "anxiety and oh crap i hope i did good". So i sit down and start to play this game. 8 hours later I realize im still playing this game and that is the true heir to mario 64 and holy crap it worked. Being Mario on tiny planets, over a huge number of universes, it worked! Then again Mario has been everywhere and done everything, where else was he supposed to be. This was also the return for me to Mario games being as i skipped over the gamecube and let me just tell you, this game did not disappoint even though i had HUGE expectations of it.

10. Super Marios Bros (NES)
This game changed gaming forever. This game is incredibly easy and near perfect in terms of level designs. This will and has been the most recognizable game to anyone, from it characters to its music, whether they are gamers or not. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GAME EVER RELEASED. Anyone and everyone who was around when this game came out, played it. The gaming industry was in trouble and this game revolutionized what home entertainment systems could and should be. Enough said.

RIP Iwata, May you find peace, wherever that may be.

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