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Matusware's Blog - and you thought you are weird...


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i found few "facts" about my country and funny as they seem to be i can confirm they are true...more or less

i included what is true or what is false etc

someone sits next to you on the bus ...Entire trip ruined (true)

awkward silence? ...Way of life (true)

no bell on your bike? ...cycle behind pedestrians until they notice you (true xD)

introducing yourself to your room mate ...5 months after he moved in (yup)

study swedish in school 3 to 6 years ...speaks english in sweden (true)

on a trip to tallinn ..speaks finnish to everyone (true)

english pronunciation ..."diffikult" (if you ever heard me speaking you have noticed my weird "aksent" xD)

stranger smiles at you ...must be a foreigner (or crazy..or both ;) true true)

presuming other people hate you ...just in case (true)

finland mentioned outside its borders ...all finns celebrate (sad...but true..dont know what the big deal is but still true)

under +80 celcius in sauna ...too cold (Damn Right It Is!)

travel overseas ...bring own bread (heard this to be true)

havent been drunken for 2 weeks ...proud (...true)

Friendly male neighbour ..."he must be gay" (true)

more than 60 words for snow ...not one for "please" (true..theres also words that dont have anykind of english translation..)

introducing yourself to people the first time you meet ...unnecessary (true, i am exception i guess)

5,4 million inhabitants ...only 2 million saunas (indeed)

finnish humour ...does not translate (it dosent)

meet girfriend in airport after 1 year without seeing her ...nod as a greeting (true xD)

father and son ...never hug (true)

go from -30 to -10 ..."its summer!" (true)

foregners call pets "him" / "her" ...finns call persons "it" (you think thats weird lets translate something: Dragon = Lohikäärme = SalmonSnake)

mix ammonia and hydrochloric acid ...candy (...)

spring is coming ...constant headache because of the light (TRUE)

"sorry i dont speak english" ...speaks english just doesnt want to (true)

visit america ...no one can pronounce your name (yup..dont even try...easyer to just say: "Marcus" or "Captain Unicorn" xD)

no bottle opener ...use teeth (or your cellphone (Nokia) )

slip on ice and break your leg ...hope no-one saw it happen (its funny that no matter what happens the first thought is did someone see)

perkele ...word to every situtation (word for love, hate, anger, calm, and so on...)

hangover ...drink more (people say when they have a hangover that they will get a "fixkit" and that is an 6 pack of beer...)

too drunk to drive a car ...drive bike instead (*facepalm*...true)

we are weird people.....

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