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Matusware's Blog - Captain Unicorn Returns


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i was away long time and i managed to return back to los santos, when i cae back there was some new stuff and i was like norwegian kid in a codfish shop, crew was still the same, few familiar faces were gone but still none or less XDBX was still there, then i went to my garage, oh the glorious be saint murphy my saber was still there with all of my other toys, i took my black bike for a test run...cause picking up car to get your driving skills back is for suckers, as i accelerated like total nutcase i didnt notice the pole that was coming at me in very high speed, as everyone knows when take one on one something that is solid mass like a tree or a wall or in this case a pole, it usually wins...

after my quick death i thought that i am a sucker and im gonna try a car


back to the garage, i picked a car and when i went outside it was upside down on the street and last time i played the game i can swear that the driving didnt work that way,

after minutes of trying-to-learn-stuff-but-i-keep-dying i started a mission, but like before every mission i sell one car..and in that point i remembered why i really dont like money making in gta online...mainly cause it is time consuming and grinding feels like second and third job

i feel like mexican on adidas factory..."heres a dollah for your hard work", rewards aint exactly equal to the price tags im not saying that i want to do one mission and have it all, im just saying that i wished that this game had just a little bit less grind.. lets think about this..

you can sell 1 car in every 45min..thats almost a hour in real time so you arent getting any big $ from that but still money is money but still i hate the 45min limit..

in missions if you wanna get the top amount you must spend 15min in mission..with this method you must spend 4 hours to grind 16x playlist..and lets say in potshots when you finally have the van you still have about 12min to kill and you cant return it cause you will have less money so you are forced to kill that time..

it took me 5hours to finnish 16x playlist cause i wanted the max amount of money and those 5hours i got about 350.000$ (and it was good amount for me) what i did was i did the mission but didnt return it i just hooked my controller with rubber band while waiting that 15min mark, and on that spare time i had two stopwatches counting the mission timer and when i can sell another car and i was watching Sons Of Anarchy to kill the time...

..and if you ask me..when you need to kill time by watching tv while playing a game...there is something wrong with that game xD

but still no matter that gta v has its odds and ends i still think its damn good game, it has its things that i hate like time limits

..but still i love it!!

and i want marry it!!

..wait what

:126fs2277341:: CRAZY ::D

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