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Hey guys, I'm one of the newbie un-vetted members and fairly new to the crew, if I haven't met you, then I apologize, trying to get to know everyone still.... anyways,


Just had a quick question I thought I'd ask. Lots of you guys seem to be pretty high ranks in GTA Online, so you'll probably be able to answer this question better than most..


I don't really care so much about getting $$$ on GTA Online, it's nice and all, but it's not my main priority, I'm really just wanting to get tons of RP, I'm only rank 51 so I probably can't do some of the higher up missions, but for my rank what would be the best jobs for me to grind for RP?


Thanks a lot in-advance for any answers that come about.

Edited by Jwkilla99
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There is no answer to give you the "short-cut" to clearing 120 (which seems to be the default goal since that is the last weapon unlock).


Of course you can just grind Rooftop Rumble or Coveted all day every day until you get there, but what is the point of playing a game if you have to play it like it is a chore?


The best thing to do is simply stay out of free mode as much as possible. If you are not in free mode, your gameplay is piling up RP much quicker. Do anything and everything, but try to make sure what you are doing somehow addresses some stat or whatever you want to boost.


For example survivals are very time consuming but they will boost your shooting skill very quickly if you make an effort to get as many headshots as you can. But once your shooting skill is at 100%, then they arent very efficient for much else. Obviously racing will boost the driving skill, air races the flying skill, so on and so forth, so just play anything and everything but try to steer your activity towards other areas in need of leveling up and the RP and $ will come in on top of that.

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I can help you on survival brother, just accept my invites. I play them a-lot because I blow at racing

"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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I'd say just keep playing.


That sounds too easy, but joining this crew I do all their invites or they accept my invites and I have fun while not even noticing I am close to level 120 (I started with this crew about a month ago and was level 20ish).


Add me and we can do or coordinate Rooftop Rumble to get you up to snuff pretty quickly.

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you get RP for just about everything that you do.  when you get bored of grinding missions, jump onto free roam and start doing gang attacks.  surprisingly, you'll get over 3k for quite a few of them.  i enjoyed gang attacks more than mission grinding simply  because of the randomness.  as you unlock weapons though, the enemy also unlocks them.  as soon as i bought minigun, enemies began spawning with miniguns and when they pop behind you, theyll rock your world a few times if you get unlucky with respawns. 


races give you around 50ish? or so per checkpoint that you hit, and you also get RP depending on how long/how many slipstreams you enter.


TDM and DM also give quite a bit of rp when you get a kill, around 2-300, sometimes you get lucky and tag the guy with the bounty and get an extra 1-200 rp added ontop of the kill. 


alchemist is right, keepin on playin is good advise :)

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Yeah, I do well with TDM/DM games. There are a bunch of high level missions you can do, not many at level 58, but I can host for you or someone else that is more versed in missions....I had a mentor show me the ropes and help me out.


Being new you'll get a an RP and pay bump doing them all the first time. After that you'll probably want to just spam Rooftop as that is over 5k with crew members.


But it gets boring after awhile and luckily many people here are into different things to do....all of which will add to your RP.


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I love survivals and gang attacks. Also I'd like a few of us in a private session to hunt down cash trucks and evade the law.

I earned my rank basically by keeping myself busy and out of freemode. 
Next time you see me, just ask.
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Sounds good, if you're available now I'd love to try these missions out.

Sure. Shoot me a friend request or PM here to coordinate. I will admit I'm not too well versed like many here with regards to all the missions...I got lucky in having higher ranks tell me literally what to do to accomplish the missions quick, but it was bad in the fact I don't know how missions play out and you don't tend to remember things you don't do yourself.

But I have access to them all and remember a bit here and there.

I had someone help me and have no problems returning the favor.


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