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Top Gear Test Track (take 2)






A technical testing circuit used by the much loved television series. Including Gambon and Follow through!

(Recommended non contact)


Video of the Track:




Rockstar Social Link:




Anyway guys, let me know what yo think  :)

Edited by adsyfindlay
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I dont watch top gear, so cant comment on resemblance, but I enjoyed this track. There are a few little things that I hesitated with or wasnt able to prepare for.

The barrier between CP-3 and CP-12 could use another piece. Its not so obvious coming from CP-2, but if you exit the corner from CP-11 out wide, it isnt necessarily obvious where to go. Extending the barrier should make it clear.

The hair-pin at CP-9 exits to two possible directions. The outer barrier ends pointing toward the left road, the correct path is along the inside barrier towards the right road, and the checkpoint is aiming between them. It may be worth continuing the outer barrier around further to block the left road, and possibly add a CP in after CP-9 right where the inside wall bends left.

CP-7 could be moved back a little to allow more time to notice CP-8, because right now theyre very close for the speed and there isnt much time to react.

Overall I enjoyed the speed of the track and would probably bump the default up to 3 or 4 laps.

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Thanks man :), I'll take another look and see what I can do I think I used up all my props so may have to have a jiggle around :)



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Updated :) CP 7 was deleted and CP 6 was moved up as well as CP 5. Barrier for Hairpin was extended. Barrier between CP 2 and 11 was extended. Props had to be taking from some positions however I dont think this affects the track :)



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