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French Tickler


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  • 3 weeks later...

This definitely threw a wrench in my gears about half way through, wasn't expecting this sudden change in momentum despite being somewhat warned about it in the description.


The first half is quite good, simple route but it's fun and well suited for the coupe class. About the time we get out of the Vineyard and suddenly go off road, I think there's a few areas that could use some work. One of the spots is where you're left with no real guidance of where to go next, almost like a gap in fluidity. The last CP before this hill ride doesn't exactly lead you so I think the transition could be buffed up some (there's a couple of them).


There's a few awkward chevrons on various CPs that don't exactly reflect the type of turn it's at in comparison to where it's at on the road, but that's minor and can be fixed easily.


There's some elements of a "disaster piece" in here and that's cool but I think there's some areas that just need a bit of work and you'll end up with a neat 50/50 type race as per the description.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Appreciate the feedback, I will work on this one for sure.

At the start of the race, I was behind Wraignbow and one of the CPs pointed over a hill and it messed her up. I also noticed quite a few of the dynamic props I thought I added that were supposed to help with direction were missing.

Thanks for running it tonight because getting more eyes on it is really helpful.

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