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Hasenbeezer 620


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Across all facets of life, there are those who embody the hare, others the tortoise. No matter one's vessel, all must endure to enjoy.

Tribute to a wonderful crewmate, Beez620. Race is 6.20 miles, takes place at 6:20pm, and runs about 6m20s.

[Motorcycles-Enduro]        [Offroad-BF400,Sanchez]

[RSC Link]

Possibly since the first time I played Beez's job Saddleback Park, I've had a job in my unpublished creations named "Beez Dirt Bike Hills." I could never get a route that was satisfactory, but kept coming back to it. Probably better for the quality of the race that it took me so long to decide on a route.

The 6:20 runtime is a rough estimate. With contact, catch-up, and slipstream it's even rougher an estimate.

Beez had mentioned he used to track jackrabbits on his motorcycle, which is where the idea for the name came from.

There are plenty of hill-climb sections, some harder than others, each followed by a downhill section. A couple of the hill-climbs are just one checkpoint at the bottom and one at the top, leaving the racer to find the fastest path. It's usually quicker to go left/right, not down the well-worn middle.

Ambient animals has been left on. They spawn at consistent locations; so every race can feature deer, mountain lion, rabbits, and boar.

As usual any feedback is very welcome. But in particular, if @Beez has ANY requests, no matter how big or small, I can accommodate. I was trying to weasel some info out of you in conversation, but only got the Enduro detail. Colour scheme and favourite lobby radio station are two things I was trying to get, but failed.

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