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Rockets vs Jets 3.0


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Kill. Don't die. Have fun.

[Team 1 - RPG, Heavy Sniper]                  [Team 2 - 250% Health Besras]

[RSC Link]

Same old idea with a few more small changes. The biggest being that the Besras are armoured, and take two rockets to explode. If a Besra is half damaged(smoking), it can be taken out with one rocket. Traffic is on for any Jet-team members needing a ride to a new Besra. The Heavy Snipers do decent damage to the Besras, but are mostly for shooting parachuting Jet-team members.

Few things I'm not happy with. The draw distance while on the Jet-team is very low. The Rocket-team just "pop-in" eventually and then you are forced to react very late. It's the same in all other jobs, just seems a lot more detrimental in this one.

Not sure about having the Besras armoured. Someone mentioned losing the satisfaction of a kill after a direct hit. Leaving that for now, but very open to changes.

I've noticed the Jet-team tends to fly in from the same angles from their base, leading to the Rocket-team standing in the same place every round. Probably going to add a second Jet spawn base in the opposite direction, maybe multiple bases depending on prop limit.

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