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Red Matter 2 - PSVR2


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I've been looking forward to this game for a while because I loved the original (I know you played this too @Con), and so far this is just as good, if not better.  Red Matter 2 is a puzzle game where you have to solve the mystery of what happened to the crew of an abandoned space station, which is linked to the strange red matter of the title.  This game has amazing atmosphere which is really creepy and oppressive, and the brutal Soviet style architecture adds to that feeling.  The graphics are great, the music is amazing and if you pick up a headset you should definitely get this game.  You don't need to have played the first one to get what's going on here, if anything it would only add to the mystery.

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4 minutes ago, LimeGreenLegend said:

I've played a little bit, but would play a lot more if you had it 🙂

What’s your Saturday/Sunday schedule like these days? 
and how much bet the r are the graphics on the PSVR2 vs the PSVR1? 
and can you tell my I’m having such a hard time being able to get my free psvr adaptor.

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