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Cayoo Pericoo Special

Mark Verstappen

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Cayoo Pericoo Special



Come and join us on Wednesday 16th of October at 20:00 UK Time for the after update Special! Just turn up to the session and we'll see what we're in for.

Due to us not knowing what we'll all get this Tuesday and what everybody might have Wednesday we thought I'd just be best to decide on the night what everybody feels like doing. This could be we'll end up doing races in new cars. But it could also be exploring the new island (If thats possible), checking out cars, going to the new club, listening to over 100+ new songs, doing the heist or a combination of any. It all depends on what everyone feels like doing on the night.

To keep it simple we'll just have a signup list like normal but since this is not really a pre-planned event we'll also see who's online and such on the night to send some invites.

Post below to get involved!

  • Verstappen
  • Warriors
  • Mulder
  • Catman
  • Dave
  • Paulie
Edited by Mark Verstappen
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