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16 minutes ago, JuniorChubb said:

Open Wheel features in Creator please 😊

Do you think they will carry the open wheel further and expand it? If they really wanted to make open wheel a big thing, why the mediocre first release with just two cars and some R* tracks. To see about interest perhaps. Maybe easy expansion if popular, but i have no idea if its appreciated by most? 
I can see it being very interesting if open wheel props along with a big update to the creator and more cars and garages are released. 
Highest on my wishlist is that all adversary modes are added to the creator with a 30 player limit, that would be nice.

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25 minutes ago, Lann said:

Do you think they will carry the open wheel further and expand it? If they really wanted to make open wheel a big thing, why the mediocre first release with just two cars and some R* tracks. To see about interest perhaps. Maybe easy expansion if popular, but i have no idea if its appreciated by most? 
I can see it being very interesting if open wheel props along with a big update to the creator and more cars and garages are released. 
Highest on my wishlist is that all adversary modes are added to the creator with a 30 player limit, that would be nice.

The new props are easy to spot when racing so hopefully it’s only a matter of time before they end up in Creator.

Adversary modes in Creator would be great, I think Mission Creator would come first though. Either way it would open things up a lot.

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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Of course they won't expand upon OWR. They are always one and done with their additions. Gotta keep it fresh for the ADHD generation that fills this game now. 😉


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They most likely have another “series” of poorly designed/boring tracks to release but I don’t see them doing much else with it. GTA is a jack of all trades, master of none type of game.  The series is troll bait anyways and is pointless to have for the general population that just smashes into you and makes your car pretty much useless. 

They need to put it in the creator so the community can build proper tracks and enjoy the mode as they see fit. 

The next update will most likely be yet another play fetch type of business with a slow drop feed of expensive vehicles. 

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59 minutes ago, Sinister said:

They need to put it in the creator so the community can build proper tracks and enjoy the mode as they see fit. 

This is exactly why we need it for Creator, I fear your cynicism is right though especially after the mess that Arena Wars Creator was.

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Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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6 hours ago, Sinister said:

They are always one and done with their additions.


They added stunt races, then added more stunt races at a later date and then also added the stunt creator later.  So never say never.

I imagine it depends on popularity to some extent.  The stunt update was by far one of the best updates ever.

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Yes, I LOVE the stunt update. Most all of my 2000+ wins are from beating on randoms in stunt races. Of course lots of my 4k plus loses are from the opposite, lol.

I'm still hopeful that they will release something that makes me smile. Of course most all of the Casino related missions and such are great. Sadly the heists came about just as I lost all  desire to play the game or use my console so I only played 1 or 2 of them.

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Can't see them expanding on open wheel, that kinda died after double money ran out.

I think the only thing I want in GTAO now is some police update. Police vehicles, cops and crooks type modes, etc.

Certainly won't be playing fetch to fill up another type of business. f*ck no.

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Keep getting $500,000 on daily log in, the next dlc must be astronomically more expensive compared to the last.

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Anyone try these yet? I'm reading that they are basically doomsday heists in contact mission form, lol. Constant enemy respawns with terminator style aim.

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5 hours ago, Sinister said:

Anyone try these yet? I'm reading that they are basically doomsday heists in contact mission form, lol. Constant enemy respawns with terminator style aim.

To be honest they were the regular "go here and do that", I think we ran through them all yesterday and I feel no need to do it again.

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  • 1 month later...

It would be cool to see a Contact Mission option in the Creator at some point.

Bikers 2 would also be nice, considering Mafias got two DLCs (Finance & Felony, Import/Export, Executives & Other Criminals), Street Gangs got two general DLCs (Lowriders & Lowriders Custom Classics), Racing Crews got numerous DLCs (San Andreas Super Sport Series, Open Wheel, Cunning Stunts etc.) and Militias have gotten two DLCs (Gunrunning & Smuggler’s Run.)

It would be nice to see more bikes, cuts, patch options, general customisations and Benny’s Chopper Mods for the MC community.

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  • 4 months later...


Here's the plan:

Put it in Compacts class, right around Club's pace. Make its off-road traction loss around the same as rally cars from Sports class. Then also make it usable in Sports races (like Stirling GT).


Why? Here's why:

Omnis: 1:07.168

Tropos: 1:06.866

GB200: 1:06.767

(Club: 1:06.968)

Or make a mix of Renault 5 and Peugeout 205.

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  • 3 weeks later...

AWESOME!!! I love Resurrection mode.....with good randoms. lol. Sadly, doing Heists to get a free car in December doesnt attract me as much to go through the trouble of rounding up people to Heist with. I have never been lucky with the Heist opportunities as either im not around or others arent around when I could attempt them...i swear, Lester has been calling me for almost three years now about my Heist finale...the orginal Heist, remember that one, where you have to jump off the motorcyles onto the Dinghy. LMAO. 

@omarcomin71and anyone else in my gaming time zones...after testing the created jobs for the Alamo Sea Event, do you want to run some of these casino $$ missions? After TNF, know what im saying? Ill be up all night. 

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This has “track who is and isn’t doing heist finale glitches” written all over it. 

Be careful if you do.....


Speaking of glitches, the PC modders should have the cash goal met pretty quickly, lol. 

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