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Rapid Blazer


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A point to point race for the Blazer Aqua, in and around the river rapids.

This is based on a race I had wanted to make a while ago either for the sea-shark or maybe as motorbike GTA, getting off and onto a seashark. But there was no room for a water start grid and boat spawns in a GTA race are very unreliable. So I was eagerly awaiting the release of the special stunt vehicles in the creator.

Apart from the start there are no stunt props. This is really an amphibious off-road race. Multiple sections of water and dirt/off-road using the land scape to make jumps.

RSC Link : https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/spike180/games/gtav/jobs/job/_aIs6JcS3kOmahgUcYXU-g?platformId=11


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